Chapter 12

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"Ugh, finally!"

The short haired man huffed, rolling his eyes as the carriage began moving. He was still feeling frustrated and annoyed, not to mention the teasing from the other hashiras earlier didn't help. Giyuu turned to look and saw Sanemi sitting slumped against the other side of the carriage. His arms were crossed over his chest and his face was darkened with irritation.

As the carriage continued on its journey, Giyuu sat in silence, unsure of how to break the tension that had settled between them. He knew Sanemi was still upset, he could see it in his stony expression and the way he was avoiding looking at him. Giyuu fidgeted nervously with the hem of his sleeve, debating with himself on whether or not he should try to talk to his husband.

Just as Giyuu was about to speak up, Sanemi suddenly let out a loud huff and turned to glare at him with piercing eyes. Giyuu flinched and sat up straight as Sanemi's intense gaze focused on him. He was not happy at all, it was evident in his angry expression and tightened jaw.

" What is your problem, Tomioka?"

Giyuu stiffened even further, startled by Sanemi's sudden outburst. He had no idea how to respond, and for a brief moment he was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Sanemi had already turned away and fixed his gaze on the passing scenery outside the window.

A heavy silence fell over the carriage, only broken by the sound of the horses' hooves clopping and the occasional creaking of the carriage. Giyuu sat silently, fidgeting nervously with his kimono, as Sanemi continued to glare out the window. Every time Giyuu glanced his way, he could see the tense muscles in his arms and his furrowed eyebrows, It was obvious that Sanemi was still stewing in his anger.

Feeling the tension rise in the small space, Giyuu let out a soft sigh and turned to look out the window as well. The scenery outside was beginning to shift to forests, the city slowly giving way to nature. The trees, covered in verdant green leaves, cast long shadows over the pathway, and the sound of cicadas filled the air. Despite the beautiful scenery outside the carriage, Giyuu could not shake off the thick tension inside. He couldn't help but steal glances at Sanemi, still hoping to find a chance to speak to him.

The journey back to the estate continued on in that tense atmosphere, with Giyuu fidgeting nervously and stealing glances at Sanemi, and Sanemi stewing in his anger and gazing out the window. The scenery passed by in a blur, and the sun sank lower in the sky as the hours ticked on. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the carriage came to a stop in front of the estate's gates.

As the carriage finally came to a stop, Sanemi stood up and began pushing his way past Giyuu to climb out. Giyuu stumbled back slightly and tried to steady himself, only to trip over the flowing fabric of his kimono and stumble out of the carriage himself. He would have fallen onto the ground if it weren't for Sanemi, who had seen Giyuu's stumble and caught him under the arms. The sudden close proximity between the two caused Giyuu's face to flush and his breath caught in his throat for a moment as he awkwardly clung to the other man.

Looking up, Giyuu could see Sanemi staring down at him with a slightly surprised expression on his face, but as soon as he saw Giyuu looking at him, his eyes hardened and his mouth formed a stern frown. Without a word, he set Giyuu back on his feet, making sure he was steady before withdrawing his hands and striding toward the gates as if nothing had occurred.

Despite his small stumble, Giyuu couldn't help but look around in awe as he crossed into the estate. The expansive well-tended gardens were perfectly maintained and boasted an array of vibrant plants and flowers. Along the side of the main path were a series of ponds, the water glinting perfectly in the moonlight, while on the other side was a row of elegant tea houses. It was truly a breathtaking sight, no wonder the hashiras were envious.

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