6. I Hate You, Maraiah Queen

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Josh was packing his things to fly to Melbourne where the girl on the phone is located.

"I am lucky that Mikha didn't impose a heavy punishment on me to the administration, making it easier for me to process the papers for transferring schools," Josh shared the news with the girl on the other end of the line.

"Why don't you stay there if she didn't want you to get expelled?" The girl asked him, her voice sounding bored.

"And be the talk of the town next school year? I'd rather fly to Melbourne," Josh imagined how embarrassing it would be, especially since he had messed with their respected President.

"Ugh, just don't come near me here. Because Aiah will also be transferring to Melbourne," the girl answered.

"Who do you hate? Mikha or Aiah? Like, what did they even do to you?" Josh curiously asked, but only received an unkind answer from the girl, telling him he's too nosy, and she hung up the call.

He decided not to ask again because he knows how powerful the girl is.


After Enzo invited the couple, he left but not before annoying his sister.

The couple was getting ready for the party. Mikha was wearing her favorite feminine long red polo tucked into black short shorts. She looked handsome yet feminine, leaving her hair down to let her waving locks show. Her heels complemented her attire perfectly.

Mikha was lounging on the sofa bed in the living room, waiting for Aiah to finish her makeup. When Aiah emerged from their bedroom, Mikha held her breath, staring in awe at her girlfriend. Aiah was wearing a shade of blue fitted dress that suited her color, accentuating her curves. She, too, was wearing heels and looked ready to rock the party.

As Mikha prepared to stand up, Aiah held her down, clearly excited to share something. Mikha understood her body language and settled back on the sofa. Aiah's bright smile hinted at good news.

"Do you remember when you asked me what the CEO of Frontier University told me?" Aiah's eyes sparkled with excitement, eager to see Mikha's reaction.

Mikha was curious about what had Aiah so thrilled to share.

"Yes, I've been thinking about it since that day," Mikha responded with a happy smile, sensing it was good news. Perhaps Aiah had landed a modeling contract.

"I am going to Melbourne next month to pursue my career," Aiah stated dreamily.

Mikha's eyes widened, and she jumped up and down, hugging Aiah.

"Oh my God, congratulations, love! An additional thing to celebrate!" Mikha exclaimed with joy.

However, a realization struck her. "So, you're not going to take a break? You'll be modeling the entire vacation?"

Aiah shook her head, holding Mikha's hand as she looked into her eyes. "I will continue my studies there; the agency will cover all my expenses!" She responded excitedly.

Mikha took a moment to process Aiah's words.

Initially happy, she soon realized Aiah would be gone not just for the vacation but the entire next school year.

"Wait, what?" Mikha pulled away and stood up.

"Yeah, what's wrong, love?" Aiah asked softly, sensing Mikha's unease.

Mikha held her head and paced back and forth, contemplating what to say to Aiah.

"Did your parents approve it?" Mikha's voice carried a hint of accusation, a departure from her previous soft tone.

You Broke Me First, Maraiah. || MikhAiah || BINI ||Where stories live. Discover now