Chapter 4

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: Am I being too harsh? :

Brambleclaw watched Ashfur as he did his daily tasks. He looked sullen as ever, but he didn't voice his grievances. Not even once. It didn't matter much however, because it was painfully obvious.
Ashfur did however, keep tripping. Each time the short tom fell, he would hiss with frustration and glare at everyone around him. With removed any sympathy they might have had for him.
Perhaps this is just karma finally catching up to him. Brambleclaw thought. I mean, he did try to kill three innocent cats! Cats I thought were my kits! Perhaps he deserves this. It was most likely true.
Then there was Hollyleaf, she hadn't been ostracized nearly as much as Ashfur. -which was a good thing-but cats were still very uncomfortable around her. Not to mention she did complain.
Ashfur was most likely not complaining so he would look better.
Brambleclaw looked at Hollyleaf. They understand why she did what she did. They're just worried that she'll do it again. He thought. Brambleclaw turned as he felt Ashfur’s hate filled glare trained on him.
Maybe I shouldn't have saved him. If Brambleclaw had known what he'd done he never would have rescued Ashfur. He would have left him to drown.
We used to be so close. . . What in the name of StarClan changed? Brambleclaw knew what had changed. But he still felt the need to be upset by it. Ashfur wanted to be with Squirrelflight. But Squirrelflight wanted to be with Brambleclaw. And Ashfur saw that as a betrayal.
Then there was Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Most of the clan treated them like they either weren't there or like they were rogues who invaded the camp. Brambleclaw just treated Squirrelflight like she was just any other clanmate and not his former mate. Leafpool had considered giving up as a medicine cat before Firestar convinced her ‘It will be much safer for some cat if you stay a medicine cat’.
And by ‘some cat’ he means Ashfur. Brambleclaw wondered what the thought process behind that was, Hollyleaf wasn't a medicine cat. Nor was it likely she would be in the medicine den for any reason.

The clan had settled down to eat. Brambleclaw decided to sit beside his former apprentice, Berrynose.
He didn't really care about Berrynose right now. They engaged in polite conversation. But Brambleclaw was watching Ashfur closely.
He looked miserable. Sitting with his head down, far, far away from anyone else.
Even after everything. It's still painful to see him so pitifully. But then Brambleclaw felt anger surge through him. What kind of cat tries to kill just because they got rejected? Ashfur you're pathetic! You tried to kill my kits just because Squirrelflight chose me! You deserve all the suffering you're going through! Then Brambleclaw sighed. They aren't even my kits. But I wouldn't have known that if Ashfur didn't try to kill them! I could still be living my happy life with my mate and kits! Brambleclaw was angry once more. But Squirrelflight wasn't happy. . .Or she would have told me about Leafpool. He had to admit, one thing was better this way. The most important thing. Squirrelflight’s happiness mattered the most.
Brambleclaw remembered something. It was Ashfur's first night back in the warriors den. Only StarClan knows how badly that is going to go.

Brambleclaw sat in his nest. Alone. For the fourth night. It was still so difficult to fathom being without Squirrelflight. It was as though there was a void that could never be filled.
Ashfur had oh so kindly taken a nest at the back of the den, far away from everyone. Brambleclaw was also pretty sure everyone just pushed him to that nest because there was a small leak that no cat felt like dealing with.
Brambleclaw lay awake. It was hard to sleep without Squirrelflight beside him. He doubted he could ever sleep comfortably ever again.
He could tell Ashfur was awake too. He kept shifting in his nest.
Brambleclaw watched him.
Ashfur let out a pitiful whimper before collapsing into his nest, eyes dull.
Brambleclaw felt a jab of pity. Ashfur had gotten out of this nothing but suffering in his own mind. Despite the fact he caused this, it was still really sad to see the broken shell of who Brambleclaw had once considered his closest friend.
What happened? I went from being able to trust you with my life to being constantly worried you wanted me dead. Ashfur wasn't even concerning anymore. Just very depressingly irritating. He refused to own up to his actions.
But even so, Brambleclaw couldn't help but wonder if maybe he should at least try to tolerate Ashfur. Maybe if he had a friend he would be less irritable. Perhaps he'd even realize how much of a fox-heart he was.

The next morning was a bit eventful. Brambleclaw went on patrol with Lionblaze and Thornclaw.
Brambleclaw let Thornclaw go a head so he could talk to Lionblaze.
Lionblaze looked uncomfortable. His fur twitched and he kept his eyes fixed on the ground.
Brambleclaw looked at him seriously. “Lionblaze, this changes nothing between us. You will always be my son. No matter if we are blood related or not. I hope you know I will always be here for you. Never hesitate to confide in me.”
Lionblaze looked up, emotion shimmering in his gaze. “I appreciate that dad. I was worried you wouldn't want anything to do with me after you found out.”
Brambleclaw laid his tail across Lionblaze’s shoulders. “I would never turn my back on you or your littermates. You have my word.” he promised.

Thornclaw is required to be on all patrols. It's the law. This may be fanfiction but that law must be abided by.

Yay it ended on a wholesome note!

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