64-Drew,Nina, and Jordan- General Hospital

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Nina Reeves adjusted her pearl necklace, her eyes fixed on the campaign poster. Drew Cain, the charismatic candidate for mayor, smiled back at her—a picture-perfect image of integrity and family values. But Nina knew the truth behind the facade.

Their arrangement had started innocently enough. Drew needed a wholesome image to win the hearts of Port Charles voters, and Nina, the savvy PR consultant, was more than willing to help. She'd scrubbed his past, spun stories of community service, and orchestrated photo ops with children and puppies. The public loved him, and the polls reflected it.

Yet, behind closed doors, their relationship was anything but wholesome. Drew's kisses tasted of secrets and stolen moments. His touch ignited a fire that Nina couldn't extinguish. They met in dimly lit corners, hidden away from prying eyes. Their passion was a dangerous dance—one that threatened to unravel everything they'd built.

And then there was Jordan Ashford—the enigmatic police commissioner. Drew's eyes lingered on her during campaign events, a spark passing between them. Nina noticed, her heart clenching. Was this part of Drew's strategy? A calculated move to keep his options open?

One evening, after a rally, Nina confronted him. "Is Jordan just another pawn in your game?" she demanded.

Drew's expression softened. "Nina, it's not like that."

"But it is," she insisted. "You're using me for your campaign, while you—"

He silenced her with a kiss, desperate and hungry. "I care about you," he murmured against her lips. "But Jordan... she's different."

Nina pulled away, her anger boiling over. "Different? How?"

"She challenges me," Drew confessed. "She sees through the facade. And maybe... maybe I need that."

Nina's heart shattered. She'd thought their connection was real, that their passion meant something. But Drew's eyes held a longing she couldn't ignore. "What about us?" she whispered.

He hesitated. "Nina, I—"

Before he could finish, Jordan walked in. Her gaze flickered between them, understanding dawning. "Am I interrupting something?"

Nina forced a smile. "Not at all. Just campaign business."

Jordan's eyes bore into Drew's. "Right. Business."

As she left, Nina watched her go—a mix of jealousy and resignation. Drew had a choice to make: the wholesome image or the tangled web of desire. Nina wondered if she'd ever truly known him.

In the days that followed, Drew's campaign gained momentum. The posters stayed pristine, the smiles unwavering. But Nina's heart grew heavier. She'd played her part, but at what cost?

And as Drew's affair with Jordan intensified, Nina realized that sometimes, even the best PR couldn't hide the truth. Love was messy, unpredictable—a force that defied campaigns and calculations.

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