114- Laura, Matilda, Vicky, and Lucy-El amor tiene cara de mujer

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Laura, Matilda, Vicky, and Lucy had been inseparable since their college days. Their friendship had weathered every storm, and they had become each other's pillars of strength. They often joked that they were soulmates, bound not by romance but by a deeper, unspoken connection.

One sunny afternoon, the four friends decided to take a trip to their favorite spot by the lake, a place filled with memories of laughter and tears.

Laura: (stretching out on the grass) "I can't believe it's been ten years since we first came here."

Matilda: (smiling) "Time flies when you're with your soulmates."

Vicky: "Remember that time we camped out here and got caught in the rain? We ended up singing and dancing in the downpour."

Lucy: (laughing) "How could I forget? That was the night we promised to always be there for each other, no matter what."

As they reminisced, a comfortable silence settled over them. They didn't need words to communicate; their bond was strong enough to convey everything they felt.

Laura: (sighing) "You know, I don't think I would have made it through the tough times without you all."

Matilda: "We've all had our moments, Laura. But that's what makes our friendship so special. We lift each other up."

Vicky: "Like when I was going through my breakup, and you all showed up with ice cream and movies. You made me feel loved when I felt so alone."

Lucy: "Or when I lost my job, and you guys helped me find a new one. You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself."

Tears welled up in Laura's eyes as she looked at her friends. They had been her rock, her family.

Laura: "I love you all so much. You're my soulmates, in every sense of the word."

Matilda: (hugging Laura) "We love you too, Laura. Always."

Vicky: "To us, and to many more years of friendship."

Lucy: "Cheers to that!"

They raised their imaginary glasses, toasting to their unbreakable bond. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the lake, they knew that no matter where life took them, they would always have each other.

Laura: "Let's make a promise, right here, right now. No matter what happens, we'll always come back to this spot. It's our sanctuary."

Matilda, Vicky, and Lucy: "Promise."

They linked their pinkies together, sealing their vow. In that moment, they felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love and support they shared. They were more than friends; they were soulmates, bound by a connection that transcended time and distance.

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