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" He will not leave me."

" He will not betray me. "

" He will not fall for her."

Only these words were continuously coming out of Shehnaz mouth while taking a slow steps to nowhere. She didn't know where she was going cause her mind was stucked on the words which kavya said to her a while ago.

" I will make him fall for me."

" No, no it will not happen, n-o, noooo" Shehnaz mumbled out fiercely as she fasten her speed so that she could reach her office soon to see if has Siddharth reached office or Kavya has taken him with her somewhere. She needs to see Sidharth infront of her eyes to calm herself. She didn't want to lost sidharth once again like she lost him a few years ago to her sister.

She took a long steps to reach a nearest bus stop which was a kilometre far away from the hotel to take the bus without carring about her wound which was still burning. And finally after a lot of struggle she caught her bus to go Shukla enterprises.

" I'm sorry, Sidharth." Sidharth raised his head up from his tab when he heard kavya voice and looked at her with his confused gaze and asked," For what?"

" For what happened in hotel , I don't want to spill sauce on Shehnaz, it's just a mistake, so I'm sorry for what happened with your wife" kavya intentionally dragged wife word when she saw how Sidharth greeted his teeth.

" It's okay you don't need to apologise to me." Sidharth muttered back coldly and again shifted his focus on his tab, ignoring any further talk with kavya about Shehnaz.

" Umhh, sidharth I wanna ask you something if you don't mind." Kavya voiced out as she scooted near sidharth and tried to put her hand on his biceps but sidharth lean back to avoid it. Kavya take her hand back and puts them on her lap.

"Your question will decide if I mind or not." Sidharth said, he looked at kavya who was looking at him with his intense gaze which was making him uncomfortable as he didn't like the way she was looking at him.

" Umm how did you agree to marry with Shehnaz? I mean what did you see in her?" Kavya asked out, her fingers were making circles on her lap as she looked at him with intense gaze and further said," I mean she is not your type as far as I know you love girls like me, I mean like Shanaya." Kavya quickly changed her example when sidharth raised his eyebrows when he said her name.

" I saw nothing in her ,it's just situation got me to marry her , I even didn't want to marry her and speaking of my type she is nowhere near to my type. My type is always my Shanaya and no one can change it." Sidharth complete his words with a smile which appears on his lips while remembering his love , his Shanaya.

" Ohhh." Kavya pursed her lips into thin line at the mention of Shanaya name , she tightly dig her fingers nail on her skin when her eyes falls on sidharth smiling while thinking about Shanaya , it's really hurted her feelings or more like her ego.

" Umhh so elaborate me sidharth what did you like in Shanaya." Kavya asked as she glared at sidharth whose eyes were still closed and a soft smile was plastered on his face.

" I can't describe her in mere words, her beauty of nature is far beyond from the word beauty itself. You know what it's her nature that made me fall far her and not her beauty. " Kavya rolled her eyes at his words.

" Her nature was so soft and sweet that it will melt down anyone, her care for other person attracted anyone towards her , she was like a flower who only know to spread their fragrance in the air just like she used to spread her love. She used to bring only happiness in other life just like she brings in mine. You know what she was the one who helped me in my tough time and helped me to go through that time effortlessly. I don't know how she always sensed my pain but she was always there for me with her sweet words which were mostly needed at that time and that's really attracted me towards her. She was like a moon who guide everyone in the dark. She also guided me in my tough time. She was the safest place for me , her arms really protected me but here I'm not able to protect her and keep her with me." His voice broke in the end while remembering the last day he spent with his wife, his love.

Kavya rolled her eyes when she heard it , she wanted to badly Laugh on his discription about her. Soft or Shanaya nature never . Shanaya can be anything but not soft , she was the most evil person she has ever seen obviously after her. This discription is totally wrong because she knows the real nature of Shanaya but we can't say sidharth was also wrong because according to him he was right as he don't know the real person whom he was talking about. He was only talking about the fake one which he knows.

" You really well played Shanaya , well portrayed yourself like her infront of sidharth. Now it's my time to get your place , sweety so send me good luck from the hell as I know you will be probably rotting in the hell." Kavya said this words to herself and looked at sidharth who was looking outside probably hiding his pain from her.

She scooted near him and patted sidharth shoulder to assure him as it's best way to make a place inside someone heart by showing a care when the person was in pain.

" It's okay Sidharth, everything will become fine okay, I'm here for you " She said out while rubbing her palm over his shoulder. Sidharth didn't say anything as he was so in deep of his sorrows to hear her words.

After the ride of ten minutes they reached to kavya house and kavya got off from sidharth car after biding goodbye to him. She soon stopped pretending of being in pain when sidharth drive off from there and went inside while jumping on her legs like a frog.


Shehnaz heaved a big sigh after reaching her office building. She quickly heads towards sidharth office to see him as she was getting impatient without seeing him. Her heart was telling her to see him infront of her eyes so that her insecurity calm down. She was feeling same which she felt on the day when Shanaya said to her that she likes Sidharth and will make him fall for her. At that time she refused to believe her because she thought that Sidharth will not fall for her but she proved wrong and now same thing is happened today when kavya threatened her but this time she will not let that happen atleast not now when he was tied to her. Afterall he was her husband.

Her legs trembled as she took steps near sidharth office and stopped near the glass window from where she could easily see him. She felt her heart stopped when she didn't see him seating on his swivel chair but soon she took the breath which she was holding for a long time when her eyes falls on sidharth standing in corner near his book shelf, reading something.

Her hands reached the glass infront of her to give support herself as she felt losing her balance. Her hearty eyes were totally fixated on his back like it used to three years ago. She always used to look at him from far and adore him in her eyes.

" You are just like a moon to me , I can see him but I can't touch him. I can feel him but can't keep him." Shehnaz mumbled out as she traced his figure with her fingers through the glass while looking at him. Tear rolled down from her eyes to her cheeks as she phrased out her inner insecurity to no one," please don't leave me this time Sidharth, please."

Sorry for being late to update this chapter.

Well I want to know the date on which you all will be going to follow me so I should prepare myself! 😗

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