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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over my bedroom. Snow trickled down my window, as the soft snowflakes caused a calming harmony. I was nestled under the covers, the house was blissfully silent, except for the few murmurs of parents below, discussing the day's activities and plans. I laid in my bed, Draco's arm wrapped around my waist, protective, yet comforting.

Some stirring was apparent across the hall as Miles woke up and flung his door open enthusiastically. "Happy Christmas!" His excited shout echoed through the halls. My brother quickly ran around upstairs, waking up Mina, then Dobby, before heading over to me. The door to my room burst open, and he barged in, eyes alight with holiday cheer.

I jolted up, heart racing. My first instinct was to glance at Draco, who was still half-asleep, and under the covers—Thankfully. Panic surged through me as he jumped into my room.

"Miles, what—" I started, trying to keep my voice steady, but the 'Sleeping Beauty' next to me was stirring awake.

"Merry Christmas!" he beamed. "Come on, get up! We have presents to open!"

I forced a smile, hoping it didn't look too strained. "Can you give me a minute? I'll be right down."

My brother's enthusiasm didn't wane. "Alright, but hurry up! You don't want to miss out on all the fun. I'm going to wake up Draco!"

Oh shit...

While he started leaving though, I grabbed my wand from the bedside next to me, out of sight from him and pointed it at the Blonde's door. "Colloportus" I whisper out before my door shuts.

As my brother bounded out of the room, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and turned to where Draco was now.

"What did you do?" he murmured; voice filled with amusement.

"Locked it," I replied, hearing Miles, now heading down stairs. "You need to get out of here before anyone else comes in."

"Do I not get a Good Morning?"

"Draco!" I replied, suppressing a laugh. "Fine, good morning, but now you need to go!" The blonde sat up as I moved the covers, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "What about a Happy Christmas?"

This caused me to hit him in the face with the closet pillow nearby, Aswell as an annoyed groan from Malfoy.

With a quick, stolen kiss, Draco slipped out of the bed and made his way to the door, casting a quick glance back at me. "I'll see you downstairs." He winked, before exiting my room.

Taking a deep breath, I straightened the covers, and tried to compose myself. Today was Christmas, after all, and despite the morning's chaos, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement.

"Happy Christmas," I whispered to myself, smiling as I got ready for the day's events.

. . .

Mina, Aswell as Dobby, have been working their arses off to make this holiday's breakfast. The kitchen is bustling with activity, and the scent of delicious food fills the air. My family Aswell as the Malfoys are all gathered around the towering Christmas tree, placed in the grand living room, its branches adorned with glittering ornaments and magical lights.

My mum, and Narcissa, are exchanging proud and cheery smiles, as they admire the beautifully wrapped gifts piled underneath. Lucius stood by, his usual stern demeanour softened by the festive spirit, discussing holiday plans with my dad. And I am sitting quietly waiting for the two-house elves to finish up with their meals, as my stomach has made it clear that I am starving.

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