Chapter 19

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Today's class left me scatterbrained. I thought all along it was a night class, but turns out it was midday. I must have let it slip my mind, because even while we were sight-seeing the day before I told myself it was in the evening.

I know exactly why my brain was betraying me, I was stressed. It wasn't class, it was Chase.

After this class I need to head back to New York to sign papers, fight with him about anything he comes up with, and prepare for whatever mountain of messes he is attempting to throw my way. Clark had texted me a few times about different things Chase was continuing to change, request, and bring up via his own lawyer.

I internally mimic the word lawyer with a snarky tone. Convenient to use your own daddy, touché Chase.

I should have been present at this moment, appreciating it.

Jade had picked someplace to show Ricky and I, close to where class was. It was the Miraflores Boardwalk that was lined with perfectly manicured gardens, scenic ocean views, garden paths, shops, cafes, dessert shops, and tons of vendors. Ricky and Jade held hands walking along while her dress billowed in the wind and Ricky hid behind darkened shades. Both were completely unbothered and in their own vacation elements, meanwhile my mind felt more chaotic than the ocean waves ripping across the horizon in the distance.

"Eloise? Hello? Earth to you babes."

I didn't realize Jade had stopped walking, jolting me into the moment quickly. I shake away the thoughts and give her undivided eye contact to prove I am here and present in the moment. "I asked you, silly goose, did Harper's voicemail give you any indication if she had some spare time to hang out while we are all over here?"

I nod and pull out my phone to let Jade hear the voicemail I had received from our mutual long-time friend. Jade was excited hearing it and already talking about plans that could be made for us girls, mentioning to Ricky that he can busy himself while we all do girly things. Ricky shrugs, not caring one bit.

When Jade hands me back my phone I decide to open up Instagram, snapping a photo of the ocean scenery in front of me to add to my story. I tag the location and wait for the upload to submit. My own feed showed a recent post of Harper's, @HazyPhotography with a gorgeous sight from mountaintops. She amazes me consistently with her talent.

INSTAGRAM NOTIFICATION, @caligurl2949 liked your story

INSTAGRAM NOTIFICATION, @WildBonesEatery liked your story

INSTAGRAM NOTIFICATION, @harrystyles liked your story

Well that is interesting.

Harry had tagged me in something initially after meeting, but since then there were only a few likes on some posts, but nothing more. There was so DM notification, no comments, nothing to make me feel like I wouldn't look like another silly fan if I followed him back. I had stood my ground and liked the post he tagged me in, but left it at that. I didn't want to look like every other girl he encounters who just falls for his charm and starts to become some crazed fan. Am I sounding like a pick me? I consider this and try to tell myself I am instead sounding like a grown adult and not feeling the need to follow Harry Styles just because I met him. I wasn't a fan, and I didn't need to follow him.

It's not like I listened to his discography.

Well, I normally don't. I had recently. But for research of course.

I wouldn't normally care to google information about who he is, but I did recently... again... for... research.

Maybe following him is the actually least creepy thing I do. I finally give in, clicking on his profile and hitting the follow button. His recent posts showed his latest city he held concert in. Hundreds of thousands of comments on the post thanking him for existing, sexualizing him, telling him how much they love him, and mentioning they were at the concert and it was an astounding show.

One of the pictures in the slide was the entire band out at a dinner together.

@elle_oh_elle WOW Harry... cheating on me already with a new chef?! I hope I'm still your favorite. Sounds like you put on a good show! Someday I'll see one firsthand and maybe ask for an autograph after okay ;)

I try to be cheeky, but panic that I might have just sounded lame, weird, annoying, or something. I stare at the comment for a moment longer before telling myself I shouldn't have done it.

The moment couldn't have lasted longer than sixty seconds.

INSTAGRAM NOTIFICATION, @harrystyles liked your comment

INSTAGRAM NOTIFICATION, @harrystyles replied to your comment "SHE IS ALIVE. And here I thought I would have to request another dinner to receive a follow. Don't you worry chef, you're always my favorite. Also, you name the time and place, I'll fly you out and you can experience a total VIP M&G treatment Harry Styles show. It turns out I have strings I can pull to make that happen. ;)"

My phone begins blowing up after that. Hundreds of notifications of others liking my comment, liking Harry's comment, following me, commenting about what this could mean. I didn't read more than a few before it already seemed to overwhelm me. People wondering who I was, why Harry replied to me, and mentioning how they wished it was them.

I turn off my phone and ignore the matter while focusing on the upcoming sounds and sights of a local jewelry vendor. I don't tell Jade about what just happened, because I myself am confused about it. I considered if Harry was flirting with me, but know that it isn't the case. That is who he is. That's what I have read online. He cannot hold a relationship down for longer than a year, unless you are a person who considers him to have a relationship with his former bandmate. A silly rumor that occurred back when they were in their "fetus era" and somehow has lasted since. Turns out each of his "eras" has a name, and with that a new girl that comes and goes.

I won't be one of them.

He is famous. He goes through girls quicker than Chase could. It isn't something I am remotely interested in.

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