Chapter 13

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The weird thing about Harry Styles is that there aren't just two sides of him. Harry has at least four parts that make him up.

Harry Styles the Entertainer. He puts on a façade of being the kindest, happiest, most amazing performer who cares endlessly about his fans. Despite the fact he really is the kindest, he is actually a very nervous and anxious person deep down. He spends his time before each show having to mentally prepare himself by people watching or doing a silly workout just to calm himself.

Harry Styles the Serial Dater. Headlines make for sales. Selling newspapers, magazines, getting the coverage and shots is all about timing. Harry is no newcomer to the idea of making waves through the internet and media, from rumors about a relationship with his own bandmate to every woman he interacts with, he gives them what they want so they leave his actual personal life alone. Harry will pose for a photo that looks completely "taken at random" with a girl he is rumored to be dating, meanwhile the truth is they both know it's all a farce.

Harry Styles the Hopeless Romantic. A while back Harry did fall in love. It's happened twice actually, but both times it ended before he wanted it to. Harry doesn't share those parts of the relationship with the media, hiding away his true feelings because it's one thing when he is hurting, it's another when he is hurting and the whole world knows and comments on it.

Harry Styles the Mystery. Harry has always been someone to keep his thoughts locked away tight. He doesn't share most things, in fact to get a full answer out of him you almost have to dig it out of him. I would consider myself one of Harry's closest friends and I barely scratch the surface at times.

Harry will always be someone I admire, care about, and cherish to have in my life, but sometimes I wish I could know what is going on inside his head. He has built up so many walls from being in the limelight for so many years and having society, social media, fans, news articles, managers, and anyone else projecting their opinions and theories about him onto him.

I remember one time Harry and I were driving past Hyde Park on the way to the airport when a song from a former bandmate came on. He asked me to turn it up, relishing in the vocals, the melody, the tune, and more than anything, the lyrics. He talked to me about how he interpreted the song after it ended. He told me how each of them when they were younger had to build up walls like fortresses to block out the negative things you heard and saw about yourself on the internet. The shame of having your family have to hear about rumors, or worse, true things you were embarrassed for them to learn about.

I asked Harry what the song was and he looked it up, Walls, by Louis. A perfect song to encapsulate how they personally had to build up and break down so many walls and barriers through their time in fame, and even more so when you are doing it alone nowadays.

Harry spent most of yesterday decompressing from his show. He put on two amazing nights at MSG and got to spend a day relaxing before another show. Sadly for Harry, a day relaxing actually meant flying to a new location, setting up, and having less than twenty-four hours to restart the entire process.

The first thing we did when we landed was find the best local place to eat, because Harry and I both have an affinity for Mexican food. Where better to get some than the local suggested place in Mexico City?

Tonight's show was going to be packed and we both were still soaking up the small amount of freedom from yesterday's day off before heading to the stadium. After the last show the internet has been going insane buzzing about how Harry Styles covered Taylor Swift and OF ALL SONGS HE COVERED STYLE!! It was a fangirl dream come true. Granted, this is all what the internet is telling me, along with the shrill screams of every fan that night.

It was pretty amazing how he decided to change up some of the lyrics to fit the narrative.

I've got that James Dean daydream look in my eyes, And she's got that red lip classic thing that I like

I've got dark hair, slicked back, with a white T-shirt, And she's got that good girl faith in a tight black skirt

I don't think anything prepared them for those first few notes, when the confusion started settling, and they recognized just what was happening. There were screams, shouts, and a million phones instantly turning on to record. Everyone was singing along while Harry danced his way across the stage, taking in the beauty of it all.

Currently he was still living on that high while preparing for tonight's show. He rearranged the set list earlier today, picked out his outfit for tonight - a pair of high waisted pastel coral pants with a white silk button-down blouse that shined like pearls under the stage lights, I know he will be leaving more of the buttons undone that clasped together. 

Harry was humming to himself while I talked to him about things we could see or do while here for the next few days. We didn't have a ton of time in Mexico, but enough to make it worth exploring the area a bit. "Hey Mitch, by any chance do you want to grab me another water before we head up? I thought I put three over here, but there is only two and I don't want to forget."

I smile at my best bud and give a short nod. It was perfect because I had a plan of my own I needed to set into motion, so this gave me a good alibi of leaving the area.

I headed down the bright fluorescent light hallway of the Arena Ciudad de México, surprised honestly that management didn't have us play at Foro Sol like we did a few years back. This arena felt much bigger with winding hallways that lead you in circles. There were ramps filled with techies all looking over clipboards, chattering over headpieces, and directing other people on where to go. I make my way through the groupings to get further away from the hustle and bustle of workers, trying to find a space closer to the main level.

Being this deep in the underbellies basement of the arena gave me no service, checking my phone I see a lack of bars and have to continue walking. I finally find myself in a space with service, despite the roaring of the crowd only separated by a thin metal wall. I wish I had a better spot to do this, but beggars cannot be choosers, and I needed to get this done quickly before Harry goes on stage.

I quickly trace back through my recent call log, tapping on the one I need. I hold up the device and listen for the ringing, hoping it wasn't a bad time.


I was a little taken back, because it was so light and airy of a hello, but you could hear the clinking glasses and drunkenness seeping from the tone. I must have called during a bit of a celebration.

"Hello, I'm sorry for bothering, but I recently spoke to you -"

Another set of light giggles filled the moment, "Mr. Harry Stylish. I remember!"

I had to cover my mouth with a hand to hold back the laughter threatening to bubble out. I very much interrupted a girls night of drunken celebrations based on the girly giggles in the background and the quite drunken woman on the phone.

"Yes. Well, no. But, yes. I recently spoke to you about how you were full in your classes. I saw you had another one in Mexico City, and it just so happens Harry has some shows in Mexico City around the same time. I thought that seemed almost fortuitous and serendipitous. So with that, I will try again."

She sighs dramatically.

"That would be so cool honestly. I mean who doesn't wanna' serve up some snails and lobster to the king of pop, but sadly, she's still booked. My girl is a hot commodity and you get that. It's like... she's the queen of ovens. Wait, that sounds lame. Elle, hey, hey Elle, what would you call yourself?" I hear someone in the background quietly mutter, "a chef?" in a confused tone.

I was rather amused by the phone call, but know that the clock is ticking. I needed to hurry up my proposal. "I remember the tour being sold out on the website. I actually was hoping to have a personal dinner instead of a class. Perhaps our team could rent somewhere out, I will send you the details, and Miss Eloise would be willing to create a dinner for our team. It's only about 10 members, if that is too many we can narrow it down."

A gasp. A much better response than the sigh. After a few moments of fussing over some minor details we agreed on a plan to be started, hoping that I can pull it all off in under twenty-four hours. Not a moment too soon, because the roar of the crowd was growing and the phone call was nearly impossible to hear, but we ended and I had to rush to find some water to bring Harry before we go on stage tonight.

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