Chapter 21

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The itemized list of assets was absurd to sift through. I was sitting out, stretched in a sarong and one piece by the pool while Ricky ran off to fetch drinks for Jade and I. Jade was doing laps, getting in some exercise she said, while I was sweating bullets in the lounge chair.

Figurately and not, because what was the point of this list when he has so much more than me. Also, it's way too hot to be outside when you are a skin white ghost with no pigmentation besides the color of a cherry.

I tried my best to make heads or tails of what I was reading, but it just seemed like a new surefire way for Chase to belittle and berede me. With Chase most of our relationship was spent the same way, him reminding my my place, which was next to him looking good and never more.

I finally give up, huffing as I lock my phone and place it face down on the table next to my chair. I adjust my hat, the same that I should thank Jade for getting me. The sun was shielded from my fact, but it didn't help at all with the heat that the humid air brought. 

"Ma'am," Ricky says while pretending to be a waiter, serving my drink to me on the table while shooting a glance to Jade before setting her own down. "Did you know that this resort normally hosts Chappell Roan, Idris Elba, and Lana Del Rey. That's pretty impressive. Props to whoever booked it, we might even run into a celebrity." I rolled my eyes at Ricky's fake compliment to himself.

"Celebrity?" We both look over to see Jade using both hands to smooth over her hair and wring out the water at the edge of the pool. Today's swimsuit was mint green and made her skin look even more glistened with the water shimmering against her tan. "Are we talking about the DM's? I was shocked too, but it makes sense I guess. You looked so good the other night and I saw the connection."

I was curious to what Jade meant, because the only celebrity I have....

"DM?" I had to inquire, normally Jade beat me to checking socials and this probably happened. I pick up my phone to figure out what her words meant, but she plucks it out of my fingers before taking it with her to the next chair where she plopped down on a towel next to Ricky.

Ricky jumps up, "babe, wet." He points to her and Jade giggles, "not now Ricky. Later." She pushes at him with one of her feet, but Ricky huffs and swats it away. "Inappropriate Jade." He whispered it, as if anyone besides us was paying attention. In fact, we were the only ones in our small area of the pool, only about ten people taking pleasure in the sunshine. 

I try to rotate the conversation back to where we just left off, while Jade drops my phone into her bag, alongside hers. I get it, poolside fun and sun without the technology, but you piqued my interest and now I am curious. "The DM you said, did I get a DM from someone?"

She can't mean Harry right? He already forgot we met I am sure, but that is the only celebrity I have met recently. She must mean someone new. Maybe someone smaller saw my tour dates and is hoping I can slide them in or have me cook for them. Yes, that's the logical thing.

"Harry Styles DM'ed you last night."

Fuck logical.

I try to shrug, seeming at easy by the situation. I take a long sip of the frozen mojito that Ricky delivered. Letting the mint flavors coat my tongue and ease my mind from whatever odd path it was starting to take. "Harry, as in the pop star we met? Why would he message me? I mean, we commented back and forth the other day, but it was quite professional."

Jade slides her shades on, "harmless I am sure." Her voice did not sound like it agreed with me despite her words sounding like they should.

I wasn't so curious because it was Harry Styles, in fact I had talked myself entirely out of needing attention from someone of his kind. However, knowing that tomorrow I leave with a dreaded flight to see Chase and Mia, it was a little reassuring to know that someone cared enough to "slide into my DM"s as the kids say. Maybe a small bonus that it was a heart throbe that millions of girls wanted. Not me of course though.

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