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Jo's POV

The next morning I wake up with a familiar pair of arms still wrapped around my body. My eyes shoot open, shit! We fell asleep. I look on my phone and notice it is already 07h30 am. Shit, hopefully the others are still sleeping. I shake Charles awake, he just groans. "Char, wake up!! We fell asleep!" I yell at him and he jumps up realising what is going on.
We go to the bedroom door and try to listen if we hear any movement in the house. It's quiet. I look at him and he nods his head, I open the door and he makes a run for it. I quickly close the door. I hope nobody noticed anything. I feel anxious. Maybe I should just talk to Carlos and tell him the truth. Won't he handle that better than finding out I am sneaking around? I have a whole conversation with myself in my head while I am in the shower and getting ready for the day.

I decided that I am going to talk to Charles and hear his opinion about telling Carlos. I nervously make my way out the room and head to the deck, grabbing a smoke. Soon after Charles approaches me also dressed and ready for the day. He hands me a cup of coffee. "Thank you." I say smiling at him. "Did anyone see you?" I ask him. "No I don't think so love. I'm so sorry for falling asleep." He says. "No need to apologise, babe. I enjoyed the night alot." I tell him. "Me too baby" he says. "I've been thinking.." I start. "It was a close call, somebody could have easily noticed that you were not in your room." I go on. "Yeah, I know baby." He says "Are we serious about this or is it just some summer fling?" I ask him. His eyes widen. "No baby not at all. I am falling inlove with you, have been since the first time I laid eyes on you." He says looking sincere and he gives me the sweetest smile. "Well, that's good to hear babe because I am also falling inlove with you." I smile. He leans closer, he wants to kiss me. We almost reach each other when someone clears their throat. Both our head shoot in that direction and Lando stands there, casually looking at us.

"You guys need to be careful." Lando says walking closer to us, and I see Charles looking confused. "She told me last night mate." Lando says to Charles, who looks over to me as if he is angry. I'm not sure what that is about. Lando can sense the awkwardness. "I'll leave you guys to it." He says and walks away.

There was silence and then Charles started talking. "You were with him last night?" He asks sounding mad. "We talked when I went to the bathroom." I tell him. "The bathroom?" He askes now sounding more angry. "No, that came out wrong, I went to the bathroom and when I got out he was there and wanted to talk me." I tell him. "Talk to you about what?" He asks. "Why exactly are you questioning me, Charles?" I ask him now getting really irritated.
"It's just, I know you have history and that something happened between you two while on this trip, so excuse me for making assumptions." He says
"Are you serious? He came to talk to me about Magui, I think they like each other. He asked me if I moved on and I told him that you and I have something going on, because I trust him. Don't forget that before anything happend between me and Lando we were really close friends. If you think I would do something like that, then you really don't know me at all." I snap at him. I see his face softening. "Love, I'm so sorry, I just got-" he starts but I cut him off mid sentence. "Yeah, I know jealous and all that bullshit. Save it, please. We can finish the actual conversation that I wanted to have with you another time." I say walking away from him.

I know it is a really messy situation but between Lando and Charles' jealousy I just can't deal with it today. I walk over to where Rebecca is sitting on a lounge chair and join her sitting on the one next to her. She looks over at me, "Hey, are you alright?" She asked me concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks" I tell her and she just looks as if she doesn't believe a word I say. I sigh. "Just boy drama" is all I say, looking ahead of me. "I thought you didn't have a boyfriend?" She asks. "Well, now I'm not so sure." I say. "You can really talk me, if there is anything I can help with." She says. "I don't know." I tell her.
"You can trust me, I promise." She says. "Promise you won't tell Carlos?" I ask her and she promised once again. I decided to trust her. I tell her the whole story from beginning to end.

"Oh, wow, that sounds really complicated." She says with wide eyes and I nod my head agreeing with her.
"I want to talk to Charles and then we want to tell Carlos together." I say. "I can't keep it a secret forever, he is bound to find out one way or the other and I need to be the one to tell him." I say. "I think that is a really good choice. I am sure he will understand when you tell him and not lie any more than you have. He loves you Jo, and he only wants to protect you." She says. "I know, thank you for listening." I tell her feeling much lighter now. "Anytime, your brother is really important to me and you are really important to him, which makes you important to me too." She says laughing as she was confusing herself a bit. I laugh with her and then we just talked a bit more.

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