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Jo's POV

The next morning we woke up quite early. I made us all coffee and then Alex left to go get ready for the day.
"I'm so excited to experience my first ever F1 weekend!" Taylor yells excitedly while digging through her suitcase for something to wear. I laugh. "Yeah, I'm also excited, mostly at the fact that you are here with me. I really missed you." I tell her. She nods her head. "I missed you too babe, when Lando called in a panic I knew I had to come. That boy really cares about you." She says making me blush and I just smile at her.
I grab my things and go in the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. After a while both me and Taylor were ready and we made our way downstairs.
We walk over to Alex, Charles and Carlos. My eyes are scanning the room, but I don't see Lando anywhere. My eyes caught Oscar and I waved him over. He smiled approaching us and greeting us all. "Hey guys." He says. They all greet him and Taylor cleared her throat. "Oh, Osc, this is my best friend, Taylor. Taylor, this is Lando's teammate, Oscar." I say introducing them and I see Taylor blushing. I laugh and roll my eyes at her, "he has a girlfriend." I whisper in her ear and her face drops, making me laugh again. "Have you seen Lando?" I ask Oscar. "Uh, yeah, he is still in his room. He looked a bit down when I last saw him." He says and I nod my head. I tell the group that I will be right back and make my way back upstairs to check on Lando.

I arrive at his room and knock on the door. He opens soon after and his eyes are red and puffy. "Hey" he says softly with a faint smile. "Hey baby, are you okay?" I ask him as he makes way for me to enter the room. "Yeah, fine." He bluntly answered. I turn around to look at him raising my eyebrow. "You are not fine Lando, what's going on?" I ask him again. "N-nothing, just tired." He says but I can see the tears starting to form in his eyes. I walk over to him and embrace him in my arms, taking him by surprise. He leans down and buries his face in my neck and I can feel the tears rolling down. "Please talk to me Lan." I whisper. "It's just... I am so sorry for everything you had to go through yesterday, I can't stop thinking about it." He says. "Please stop apologising. It's not your fault." I tell him. He pulls away from me. "It is, it's my fans that are doing this, because according to them, no girl is good enough for me." He says rolling his eyes. "They care about you, Lan. And most of them are inlove with you." I say chuckling and making a small smile appear on his face. "We will get through this, baby.." I say assuring him. "What if we don't? What if it gets worse? What if you leave me?" He says with tears rolling again. "I am not going to leave you." I state but there was only silence. "Lando look at me." I say. He looks me in my eyes, making my heart jump. "I am not going anywhere. I already lost you once, I will not allow that to happen again. I love you." I tell him. His face softened, "I love you too." He says and smashed his lips against mine. The kiss quickly deepend and I push him down on the couch and get on top of him. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He starts to unbutton my shirt, "Lan, we can't right now, we have to get going." I tell him and he sighs. "Yeah, you're right." He says. "Want me to spend the night here?" I ask him and his face lights up, "Yes, please baby. I need you." He says and I smile at him and kiss him one last time before getting up. "Fix your pants and let's get going Norris." I say and he looks down at his member and I laugh at him, he just rolls his eyes turning bright red. We walk hand in hand downstairs and outside with the rest of the group over to the car. The camera's are flashing but we try to ignore it and get into the car. "I had no idea it was this crazy." Taylor says looking out the window. "Yeah, it's rough." I tell her.

We made our way to the paddock and Lando gave me a quick kiss and left with Oscar. I walked over to the Redbull garage with Taylor following close behind. "Hey guys." I say approaching Max and Checo. The both greet me and I introduce them to Taylor. She instantly starts fan girling when Max spoke to her which made me laugh. I did the interviews with them and then Mclaren. They finished with practice and quali. It was a good pace for Mclaren today. After I finished my interviews we all met up and decided what we are going to do tonight. We decided to have dinner and then go out for a few drinks, nothing major as it is race day tomorrow. Me and Taylor went back to my room to get ready. "Hey Tay. Can you help me dress up a bit, like something sexy." I ask her shyly and she just grins at me, "Of course, come sit, let mama do your make up first." She says and I just laugh at her sitting down. We finished and met the group downstairs. As I walk down I can see Lando's jaw drop. I smirk and wink at him, walking over to him after greeting everyone. "Shit baby, you look stunning." He whispered over to me before kissing me.
"Thank you Lan." I tell him and we head out for the night.

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