Chapter 22

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A/n POV:

Y/n was walking through the parking area when a sudden call caught her attention, causing her to halt in her tracks. She turned around to see Lisa running towards her, a look of urgency etched on her face. At first, Y/n frowned, wondering what could be the matter.

"What happened?" Y/n asked, concern evident in her voice as she watched Lisa approach.

The man with the black veil stood concealed in a remote corner, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene before him. Hidden behind the shroud that veiled his entire face, his features remained inscrutable, betraying no hint of his intentions.

As he observed Y/n and Lisa, his grip tightened around the syringe clenched in his hand, a surge of frustration coursing through him. With a muttered curse under his breath, he muttered, "Bloody f#k," his voice muffled by the fabric that obscured his face. Swiftly, he stowed the syringe away in his pocket.

With lustful eyes, he watched the scene unfold before him, his desire evident in the way he lingered on every detail. Slowly, he pulled down his mask, revealing a sinister smirk that twisted his lips. As he stroked himself with a menacing grin, he whispered to himself, "Don't worry, my friend, today you'll get a warm little pussy."

Time skips ~~~


They settled into a nearby restaurant, the hustle and bustle of the place seeming overwhelming even at that hour. After scanning the chaotic scene, they managed to find an empty seat near the glass window. As they perused the menu, Lisa requested something basic for the both of them,

Y/n, however, couldn't shake off her growing sense of unease. With each passing moment, was become fretful. She really wanted to return home on time otherwise God knows, what'll occur?

Finally, Lisa broke the silence, her words carrying a weight of concern. "There is something wrong between you and your husband, isn't there?" she asked, her tone gentle but probing. Y/n looked at her, her expression a mix of surprise and apprehension.

"Tell me, Y/n, what the heck is going on?" Lisa pressed, her voice firm with determination. Y/n felt a knot form in her stomach, unsure of how to respond to her friend's direct questioning.

"What makes you think like this?" Y/n countered, her tone defensive, not entirely comfortable with the line of inquiry. However, Lisa wasn't deterred.

"Isn't it undeniable that you've confronted some awful circumstances lately? And you didn't tell your husband," Lisa continued, her emphasis on the words 'your husband' adding a layer of significance to her inquiry.

"Who told you I didn't tell him? Obviously, I told him," Y/n replied hastily, attempting to cover up the situation and deflect Lisa's probing questions. However, her attempt at evasion was swiftly challenged.

"Oh, really!! Then why did Mr. Jeon Jungkook call me to his cabin and personally ask about you and what happened last evening?" Lisa's words struck Y/n like a blow, causing her face to pale with guilt and realization.

Unable to conjure up a response, Y/n's lips remained sealed, her gaze falling away from Lisa's probing eyes. Inside, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her. It was as if she had betrayed Lisa's trust by keeping secrets from her, despite Lisa always being there for her whenever she needed support, without hesitation.

Holding Y/n's hand gently, Lisa offered reassurance, her voice soft but earnest. "I am always with you, remember Y/n. You are my friend, and I mean it. Friendship is not just a casual relationship to me; you are like my sister." Despite Lisa's comforting words, Y/n still couldn't bring herself to meet her friend's gaze.

Sighing deeply, Lisa continued, sensing Y/n's discomfort. "Okay, okay. If you're not comfortable sharing with me right now, I won't force you. But remember, stand up for yourself! It's your life, so the decision should be yours." With a gentle squeeze of Y/n's hand, Lisa silently conveyed her unwavering support, regardless of the choices Y/n made.


The outsider's POV:

He cursed vehemently, the expletives tumbling from his lips like a relentless torrent. "Screw, fuck, fuck!" he muttered in frustration, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "I promised my little friend that it would get a little pussy tonight, but maybe I need to wait for the right time. Today is just a terrible day," he grumbled to himself, feeling thwarted by the unfortunate turn of events.

"That fucking annoying bitch took my Y/n from me," he seethed, his anger pulsating through every word. "Otherwise, Y/n, my baby bitch, would be sucking my dick right now."

Groaning with frustration, he made his way to the store room, his steps heavy with indignation. As he swung open the door, he was greeted by thick darkness enveloping the room. With a flick of the switch, the lights illuminated the space, revealing a scene of chaos.

His heart sank as his widened pupils took in the sight before him. Everything was a mess; his precious toys lay strewn across the ground, broken and smashed.

A mocked, rough voice echoed in his room and it shook him.

"Welcome, motherfucker."

He turned towards the source of the voice, feeling a shiver run down his spine. The figure before him sneered, lips curling into a mocking grin. Despite the tension in the air, the man remained oddly calm, his demeanor belying the storm brewing beneath the surface.

The person standing before him was none other than

Jungkook Jeon

The mere mention of his name sent a chill through the room, a testament to his reputation and power.

In a million years, he never thought he would feel this terrified, his fear so palpable that he felt as though he might urinate at any moment. Unconsciously, he began to retreat, his body moving on autopilot, desperate to escape Jungkook Jeon's sight.

But just as he reached the threshold of the room, a sudden impact sent shockwaves through his body. With a sickening thud, a powerful blow landed squarely on his face, the force of it knocking him to the ground at Jungkook's feet. Pain exploded through his senses, leaving him dazed.


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