Chapter 6

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My feet clapped against the hot pavement as I made my way into BlockBuster. I remember the kids at school buzzing about this new movie. It was a scary movie. I walked along the back wall till I found it. Jackpot! Collection and Collecting.

Beep Beep

(From Austin

Get a scary movie ;) )

I guess they are right, great minds think alike. I pranced to the counter and put both movies down.

"Would this be all?" The man asked behind the counter. I nodded keeping my eyes down.

"This will be 6.69," he said and I handed him the money.

"Due back Thursday." He said as I skipped out the door. I traveled down the block and thought to myself. Wait what was I thinking coming to this movie store. It's the farthest away from my house.


So looks like a three mile walk is in my future. My tummy growled as I walked past a sonic. That made me hungry. I called Austin to see if he wanted anything.

It rung a few times before he picked up.

"Hello?" Austin asked.

"Umm I'm gonna stop at Sonic want anything?"

"Nah I'm good what Sonic are you stopping at?"

"Yeah about that. I'm at the one that's right next to super holes."

"Soph, that's like 3 miles away from your house." Austin said.

"Yeah I know." I said sheepishly.

"I'm going to go get my moms car and come pick you up." He said walking out a door.

"No you don't have to do that," I said.

"No, I will be there in a few stay at Sonic." He said and then hung up.

He's so sweet.

Stop it Sophie, you and Austin are friends. Ugh! I hate crushing on my best friend. I sat down and ordered what I wanted from Sonic, shaking my thoughts from my head.

My food arrived as soon as Austin pulled up in his moms car. I paid for my food and then went to hop in the front seat of Michelle's car.

"What movie did you get?" He asked, looking in my bag and stealing a fry.

"Collector and Collecting." I said slapping his hand away.

"Awesome!" I laughed at my friends quirkiness. "I can't believe the boys bailed on us." Austin sighed.

"Oh so now you need the boys to have fun?" I joked.

"What. No. No. No. I like having you all to myself." He said mindlessly.

My head snapped in his direction. "What?"

"What? I said no." He stuttered as his cheeks got red. He was squirming in his seat as he played it off. This is kinda cute.

"Okay whatever you say." I smirked.

"Are your mom and dad home?" He asked as we pulled up to my house.

"Nope! I think they get done with the business trip tomorrow." I stated.

"Okay, cool," I nodded in agreement. We walked in my house. I saw the candy was already there sitting on my table. He must have been here when I called him. I set down my Sonic on the counter and then went to pop some popcorn. Austin put in the movie as I came in and sat on the couch. He came back and sat down on the opposite end.


"You're stupid don't go in the room again!" I yelled at the guy on TV.

"Soph, he can't hear you," Austin sighed. I managed to crawl from my end of the couch and cowered into Austin's side. He popped in more skittles in to his mouth.

The movie ended with him shoving a man in to the box. It was so creepy. I looked up from my fertile position and into Austin's dark brown eyes. They were already staring back into mine. His hair was ruffled and his jaw was shaped. His tan cheeks were slender and defined. Those plump pink lips were leaning closer to mine.

"Sophia Anne White! What do you think your doing?" Said my fathers booming voice. The one that made me scurry up to my room and make me want to hide forever.

"Hanging out with Austin?" I squeaked.

"Awww! Were you two about to kiss?" My mom cooed coming through the door.

"Austin I think you need to go," my dad sighed.

"No he doesn't need to go." I said grabbing his arm. My mother came over and stepped in front of us.

"Now David," my mother reasoned "they are just kids. You scare away everyone for Sophie!"

"Sophie, I better get going. I see ya later." Austin said standing up. He walked out the door and into his moms car. I watched as he drove away. Hot tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"You always have to scare away everyone, don't you?" I whispered.

A/N: Hey guys this is Clorissa speaking. So this is like the first chapter I have wrote. So sorry if its not to the style your use to. But I'm sure Mad's will be writing more than me because of the busing summer I'm going to have. From Basketball, volleyball, softball, workout training, and STUCO. I really worked my butt off to come up with this chapter. Mad helped edit. So that it would be up to y'all's standers. Hope you like. - Clorissa

Welp. We love you Sissa. You will get more of me because I have no life. Hope you like it. ~Madi

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