Chapter 9

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~Sophie POV~

My phone buzzed from the coffee table, almost blinding me in the process. I really need to turn off that light flashing thingy.

I picked it up looking at the Caller ID. It was an 417 area code. That's not anywhere from around here, I answered it thinking if I made the right decision.

"Hello?" I asked uncertainly.

"Hey Sophie. It's Hannah," I sighed in relief. "I wanted to know if you knew what Mr. Jackson was talking about, for the paper that we need to write with a partner." A lightbulb went off in my head.

"Oh... about that. Would you be my partner?" I asked, crossing my fingers.

"Sure. We can start tomorrow after school. If you don't have plans." She said slowly.

"I don't. Sounds perfect to me!" I laughed through the phone. We bid our goodbyes and then I hung up, bringing it away from my face. As soon as I did it slipped out of my tiny fingers smack onto the hard wood polished floor. I closed my eyes and bent down to pick up my phone. Broken shards of glass cut my fingers and I let out a whimper. My poor phone...

~Austin's POV~

We all group in the living room. Robert, Alex and Zac were seated on the couch across from me on the loveseat, and Tyler was sitting at the side in the leather armchair. My mom came in carrying our yard stick that was in our kitchen. She sat in the vacant seat on the love seat next to me.

"I'll go first." My mom declared holding up the ruler. "What is wrong with you?" She yelled slapping me with the ruler on the side of my arm. There was a sound that only hear from skin.

"I'm. Um-" I tried to get out my words but it wasn't working. Then my mom cuts me off.

"I have the ruler not you. Now Robert has the ruler. Still not you. So shut up." My mom said in a voice that meant she was serious. You only see that look when you are in hell of trouble. My mother was scary when she was angry.

"Yeah shut up Austin." Robert teased with the ruler in his hand. Then his look became serious, something you never see with Rob.

"I think Austin needs to say sorry to Sophie. Maybe even tell her your not embarrassed of her." Rob said with a glint in his eye, like he had just solved my life problems. Zac, who was beside Robert, grabbed the ruler.

"Ahh man! You also should have kissed her when you saw her today." Zac shook his head disapprovingly. He sighed and held out the ruler for someone to take.

"I think you need to man up, bro. Tell her your sorry maybe come to our school at lunch time and announce you are sorry." Tyler said. He held on the ruler like a microphone. Alex grabbed the ruler that was I front of him, since he was always the last to speak.

"I think you should give her time to think. You were the jerk in this one. You need to apologize when she is ready to talk to you. Since this is Sophie we are talking about, that could be a month or a day, depending what you said to her. You just need to wait till she is ready." Alex sighed. He passed the ruler to me. Then returned to his seat. His answer made the most sense to me.

"Look, I'm gonna have to do this on my own. If you all want this relationship to work your gonna have to stop getting into it. I love you all, but enough is enough. Alex is probably as well." I finished and handed the ruler to my mom.

"Austin you guys have been friends forever don't ruin it. Just be smart. Don't do anything stupid. Be you." My mom rubbed my back. "Now if anyone has anything to say nows the time." My mom held up the the ruler. No one said anything. "Okay, then meeting adjourned."

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, we're guessing its just a filler?

As you know, Mads is on vacation so Cliss is writing this chapter. When Mads happens to find time to edit this chapter will be published. :D

Hope you enjoyed it!




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