Chapter 8

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~Austins POV~

I watched her walk away from me. She looked back one time tear glossing in her brown eyes. I didn't want to watch her walk away, so I didn't. My feet ran towards her not stopping, because I knew if I did I would coward out. So I ran down the street, catching up to her was no problem, because she's not that fast.

"Austin, go away," Sophie cried. I grabbed her hand and spun her around to face me. We were so close, her small delicate arm was warm in my hand and her flat stomach was pressed against my abdomen.

"No! Now that I want to talk, you get to run away?" I complained. Seeing her like this hurt me, it hurt even worse knowing I was the reason. Her beautiful brown eyes with their usually glow were now hidden with tears and puffy. A pale complexion covered the usual tan on her round face.

"As I recall, I called you and called you, texted you and texted you. Not one time did you answer. So right now, I do get to walk away." She spat. Where did this Sophie come from?

Her shoes clapped against the pavement. I was dumbstruck, this was a side of her I have never seen before. My hands moved up to run along my hair. My feet moved in slow motion, looking back once more to see Sophie crossing the street. What have I done? I just lost one of my best friends. That I happen to have feelings for.

The sun started to go down. Telling me that it was most likely six or so. The clouds where all dark grey this meant it was going to most likely rain soon. Fantastic! Hopefully I can get home before the rain. Or maybe I could call Rob and he can come pick me up. So I did, I pulled out my phone and dropped it. When I picked up my phone it was cracked from camera to home button. Frantically typing in Rob's number, I tried not to cut up my finger. Finally I have done it only cutting myself three times. I pushed the speaker button, because I was not going to cut the side of my face.

"Hello?" Rob asked sleepily.

"Umm... can you come pick me up I'm about blocks away from Sophie's house." I asked him.

"Sure I'll be there is about ten." With that he hung up.

~Sophie POV~

I curled up on my bed with my dog, crying my eyes out. Had I really just walked away from one of my best friends? Why did I have to be so stupid? What was I thinking, I could go out with one of the guys. My phone started to ring. Pudgie, my dog, lifted her head up when I let her go to grab my phone.

"Hello?" I yawned to try and hide my cracked voice.

"Are you home?" My best friend asked.

"Yes why." I shivered.

"Good I'm coming over." Alex said and then hung up. Great, now I have to put up with Alex who is always the first to worry over me. Once the rest of the guys find out they won't let me out of their sight. I sighed and pulled myself under the covers and pulled Pudgie to my side.

Five minutes later, Alex walked into my room. Pudgie immediatly attacked him and jumped off my bed, making me colder.

"Hey." I said in monotone.

"What is wrong with you?" Alex asked walking past my bulldog.

"I ran into Austin after I went to get my phone fixed," I sighed.

Alex spoke with a sound of great sadness, "What happened?"

I shook my head not wanting to go into great detail about it, I was emotionally and pyhsically tired. From almost kissing my best friend, to then getting mad at him for not answering my calls. Alex seemed to understand that I didn't want to talk. He slid into my bed and I curled into his side.

Falling for The Leader {Austin Mahone}Where stories live. Discover now