Chapter 11

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Robert was sick again - probably faking - while I was stuck wasting my gas. I thought that was Robert's job. Pulling in to my drive way, I saw my mom and dads personal drivers car. My shoulders slumped down, they said they would call before they got back in town. Again, they lied. No shock there.

I got out of my car and slumped towards the door. Twisting the knob, the door swung open revealing shopping bags. Lots and lots of shopping bags. It was suitcases galore, everywhere. It looked as if we took in a whole family.

I walked up the stairs, stubbing my toe on the way up. 'Did they go on another shopping spree?' I thought internally.

Finally making it to my room, I bumped the door open with my butt. Someone put their hands around my mouth and pushed me to their chest. I opened my eyes to see on dashing looking blonde headed boy in front of me. It was Carson, I smirked. That means Jackson is holding me, I licked his rough hands all over. He snatched his hands off my mouth.

"Never learn do you Jay?" I asked. Jackson picked me up spinning around. "Put me down!" I giggled and started to slap him. He finally put me down, then Carson did the same thing.

Carson has definetly been working out since last Labor Day. His biceps were ripped, I could feel his lean torso and rough and hard abdomen underneath his thin black shirt. I about melted when his brown eyes met mine.

"Umm you guys know that I'm here still right?" Jackson laughed.

I slid down Carson's body and laughed to try to break away the awkwardness. "What are you going guys doing here?" I asked and pushed Hollister shopping bags off my bed to sit.

"Well you see LA doesn't do good for boys who are to hot to handle." Carson laughed.

"Let's just say we got kicked out of school. We are bad boys." Jackson laughed.

"So why are you here?" I asked flopping down on my bed.

"Well mother said boarding school is out of the question. Farther thinks if we go to a family we know well it will turn us around." Carson chuckled.

"So your staying with us?" I asked excitedly.

"No dip!" Carson shouted jumping on my bed. Jackson got on and jumped too, sending my small body a good two feet in the air. They laughed at my attempts to get off the bed or even speak.

"I don't feel good," I said holding my stomach. The twins both immediately stopped jumping and looked at me groaning. Fighting back a grin, I stuck out both of my legs making them both loose their balance and fall off my bed.

The shock on their faces was enough to send me in a fit of laughter and giggles. But soon my laughter was gone when I saw Jackson and Carson with their arms raised and evil smiles on their faces. "No!" I shouted trying to crawl off my bed into my closet.

Too bad that Jackson caught me and threw me onto the bed automatically sending his fingers digging into my sides. My face turned red and I became breathless as the tickle war only began.

"Sto-p," I managed to breathe out after about ten minutes of this insane torture.

"No can do, Soph," Carson said. I had to think fast, so I screamed at the top of my lungs. The twins held their ears as I made a beeline for my closet. Once I was inside, I locked the door and slid down on my back.

I reached in my back pocket and texted Hannah, she was supposed to come over later tonight to work and stay the night, but she might as well come over now. Ignoring the knocks and laughter on the other side of the door, I texted Hannah.

Hey:), wanna come over right now?

She texted back in a few seconds.

Sure! :D I will pack my bag and pick up Chinese food.

Sounds great! Oh, and um. We have guests.


You'll see.

I smiled as the knocks died down, and got up to step through my bathroom door. Opening the cupboard, I squeezed myself into the laundry shoot. When I landed in the dirty towels I jumped up in victory, until I saw Jackson and Carson staring down at me in amusement.

"How did you guys find me?" I frowned.

"You used to do that everytime when we were kids." Carson laughed. Jackson nodded along with him and held out a hand for me to take.

"We need to clean up, I have a friend coming over." I said climbing out with Jackson's help.

"Which one of the guys?" Jackson asked.

"None of them, actually. My new friend Hannah is coming over." All of a sudden, the twins started laughing and clutched their stomachs.

"Okay Soph. Tell us the truth. You having a new friend?" Carson said.

"Yeah, right." Jackson retorted.

Just then the doorbell rang and I left the laughing twins to themselves. Hannah stood there with a bag of take-out and her backpack slung over her shoulder. She smiled at me and walked in throwing her bag on the floor heading straight for the kitchen.

"Hey," I said to her. Hannah smiled at me and looked towards the door when the twins walked in. They both stopped in their tracks and gawked at her.

"She wasn't kidding," Jackson said shocked.

"She wasn't." Carson echoed. Hannah rolled her eyes and pulled out six containers of Chinese food.

"You're lucky, I'm not going to let you starve," I said to them as I pulled out four plates.

"Hey! You are lucky we are even here to keep you company!" Jackson said coming over and grabbing a plate. Hannah gave me a look and then saw the shopping bags everywhere.

"Carson, would you like to tell my dear friend Hannah here why you and Jackson are living with me or shall I?"

"Long story, but I'll break it down. My brother and I got in trouble at home and our parents decided to ship us off with to a good influenced family friends - which would be our Goody Goody shy Sophie pie here. So, we will be attending high school here and living with the White family until summer break." Carson explained as we all sat down at the dinner table.

"What did you do?" Hannah asked them slurping some of her chicken lomien. Jackson and Carson exchanged a look before they both shook their heads. Hannah let the subject slide and we all continued on with dinner talking about random subjects. Afterwards, the twins went upstairs to finish unpacking and Hannah started on our project.

Overall, it was a good night. I just hope the rest of my week was like this.


Hey guys.

So I am writing this authors note half-asleep. As you may or may not know, school starts soon for us but we will still try to update weekly - if possible. Just know that we haven't given up on this story and will continue to write it until it is completed. Then we will start up one of the other stories that we have started on but have not fully put together.

We will have a suprise up soon so look out for it!



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