Chapter 10

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Chap 10

~Sophie's POV~

My feet where dragging along the payment; right, left, right. Reaching the Armando's shop. I turned around, to lock my car. It clicked showing me it was locked. Robert was sick so I was stuck driving myself.

I pulled open the glass doors. The bell above me rang. Indicating that someone had walked threw the door. That someone would be me. I saw Armando working on another phone. He looked up. With a nice smile showing off his pearly whites.

"Hey Sophie." Armando called. I noticed someone stand up in the corner of my eye. I snapped my head in the other direction to see Austin standing in front of me.

"Well Sophie it will take a good forty minutes before I'm ready to work on your phone." Armando said.

"Okay that's cool." I lied. Being here for forty minutes knowing that Austin's here doesn't really make me happy once so ever.

"Hey Armando is it cool if I chill in the back?" I asked trying to find an easy solution. He nodded in approval. I set my phone to the side of a desk. Then walked in the the back room. I saw the landline phone in the back of the room. I walked over to it knowing I should call Hannah telling her that she shouldn't come over to six. The phone rang a couple of times.

Then a voice of Hannah's sounded on the other side of the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Hannah! It's Sophie. I'm at the phone place getting my phone fixed. I just wanted to say don't come over till about six. Oh and do you like pizza?" I asked knowing that I would most likely have to order some.

"Yeah thats cool and, pizza sounds great. Not to sound picky, but can you get Hawaiian?" She asked kinda timidly.

"Oh that's my fav. Well besides no sauce cheese." I laughed.

"Isn't that called cheese bread?" She laughed.

"Well I guess. That's not what I call it though." I laughed again.

"Okay well I'm gonna go. See ya at six, fifth-teen." Then she hung up. I laughed one more time before plopping on the nice brown leather couch. The door sung open. Then appeared the one person I didn't want to see.

"Austin, we both know I don't want to talk to you." I stated.

"Then don't talk just listen." He sighed.

I rolled my eyes then said. "Why does everybody say that?"

"Huh?" Austin asked, looking confused.

"Nothing. Just say what you have to say and get out." I rolled my eyes, once more.

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't want any of what happened, to happened. It shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't of dodged your calls. I'm really sorry please forgive me?" Austin pleaded.

"I'm not ready to forgive you. Sorry, I'm just not. Wait why am I saying sorry. I'm not sorry." I said happy with myself.

"But I am sorry that has to count for something right?" He asked.

"No! That's counts for nothing! I don't want to speck with you. Not now. Most likely not next week. Or the week after that or the week after that. Maybe not ever. I'm not going to sit here and listen while you make me sound like a bad person. Your the one who ran out. Then wouldn't talk to me. Now you can get out." I said proudly of myself.

"Bye. Sophie." Austin paused in between every word. His shoulders slumped down. He shuffled out of the room. He didn't say anything else. He just walked out. I was happy with myself. At the same time not. I was just a total you know what.

I walked back to the front of the store; flinging my backpack over my shoulder. I skipped over to the back counter. Where Armando was standing.

"Hey kiddo. I've never heard you yell. Unless the time you broke your phone as soon as I handed it to you." He chuckled. Unscrewing the screws in the bottom of my phone.

"So all I have left, for your kind of iPhone is yellow. I know your back is white. So you want to wait and let me order one or just put on the yellow on. I'm sure you'll be back by next week anyway" He chuckled once more.

"Sure. If this week keeps going to way it has been I'll be back by tomorrow. So be ready." I winked at him laughing.


The stop light flashed red. I slammed on my breaks. Almost having a mini heart attack. I picked up my phone dialing, Pizza Attack. The light turned green. Pushing down on the gas.

"Jimmy at Pizza Attack. What can I do for you to day?" The man asked. Witch I'm going to take a guess and say his name is Jimmy.

"I would like a large Hawaiian and a large Cheese pizza with no sauce." I said.

"Umm okay. That will be 15 dollars. Pick up or delivery?" He asked.

"Pick up." I said.

"Ten minutes." He sang. I hung up the phone. I pulled in to the Walmart parking lot. I walked in. I grabbed some candy. 20 dollars worth of candy.

Jogging back to my car. I looked at the time it was five, fifty. Unlocking my car, I hopped in my car.

Starting my engine. My Alexis roared to life. I sped down the street to Pizza Attack. I walked in to the little pizza shack.

"Hi are you Hawaiian and no sauce?" A girl that looked about my name asked.

"Yeah."She handed my my two pizzas. I handed her a twenty. She gave me back a five. I took my pizza and sped home for a project night.


"So your telling me that, you went all bitchy on Austin?" She was laughing so hard I thought her pop was going to come out of her mouth.

"Yeah. Why's that funny?" I asked. Typing away on this PowerPoint.

"You don't seem like the type to cause any trouble. Kinda shy laid back type of person." Hannah said.

"Well he pushed me to far." I said, shoving the last piece of no sauce pizza in my mouth.

"Wait do you like Austin?" She raised a brow.

"I don't know. Maybe. A little. Maybe. A lot. It just complicated." I sighed.

"I understand. Well not really." Hannah and I both laughed. I turned my head seeing it was one in the morning.

"You know it's one right?" I asked.

"My parents are going to kill me." She said.

"Could you stay the night, because most likely the cops will pull you over if you get cough.

She dialed on her phone. I heard voice on the other line.

"Yes we lost track of time. Mom I'm sorry. Can I just stay the night here, because if the cops catch me I'll get a ticket." Hannah paused then talked again. "Okay so I'll see you in the morning."

Hey guys! Clorissa speaking. So I wrote this one Madi edited. Blah blah blah. You get the point. I'm gonna stop rambling, before the iPad dies. Sorry this is so short, again another filler. Next chap will get good.

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