Chapter 3

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"Ow." I said quietly as I was pelted with another french fry. Zach and Tyler always have food fights, that's why I never eat or wear nice clothes around them. They are one easy way for you to get dirty, severly dirty.

"Sorry, Soph." Tyler apologized.

"It's okay."

"Atleast there wasn' ketchup on it." Zach said, tossing one of the golden fries in his mouth.

"Yeah, like that makes a difference," I muttered.

"Soph, let's go to your favorite store?" Alex said grabbing my hand. He dragged me to the far end of the mall, where my store was at. The pink ribbons around the wooden barracades came closer in sight. "Sophie's Boutique" hung above the door in a painted pink cursive.

"Chill," Alex said grabbing my shoulder,"Austin didn't mean for them to be here. They just showed up."

"I miss the times when it was just you and me." I sighed.

"I know, I miss those times too, but you know you love Zach and Tyler."

"Yes, I do love them," I laughed,"but sometimes, they're just so annoying!" Alex laughed as he opened up the door for me.

"That's just the way they are."

"They know I love them, you boys are my bestfriends." I smiled at him. My eyes traveled upon a neon pink top. The sleeves cut to reveal some skin, and the back travels down to fringe.

"This is me, right?" I ask Alex, holding the shirt to myself.


"Soph! Look what we found!" Zach shouted from across the store. Tyler then help up a pair of undies with white writing that says "I <3 Austin". I immediatly blushed and attempted to hide myself.

"Get out of here you two!" I said grabbing them by the arm and pulling them from the store. Austin and Robert sat on a bench across from us, scrolling on their phones.

"Oh, your done." Robert said, sparing us a second from his phone. Him and Robert stood up from the bench and joined us.

"Shopping!" Zach said. Tyler started off towards the other end of the mall, with us traveling behind him.

Hey guys!

We are very sorry about the slow updating! We can explain it all, if you guys can keep a secret.

K, soo...

If some of you know, Madi is a singer. (Yes I am!) We are actually working on her career. Hopefully, I will get my call from X-Factor and might get to audition! (Look out for that!) If I do make it I hope all of y'all will support me!

And Clorissa is in STUCO (*cough* show-off *cough*) so she is very busy. Plus basketball, so yeah.

We will let you all know the news! KK, love you!



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