Bolton and Michaela waterloo road 5 & 146

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Bolton Smilie, the cheeky charmer with a heart of gold, leaned against the graffiti-covered school wall. His unruly curls framed his face, and his mischievous eyes sparkled as he watched Michaela White approach.

"Oi, Michaela!" he called out, grinning. "You know, your obsession with textbooks is borderline unhealthy. I bet you dream about quadratic equations."

Michaela, the no-nonsense overachiever, rolled her eyes. "Bolton, if you spent half as much time studying as you do flirting, you might pass a math test for once."

He feigned offense, clutching his chest dramatically. "Ouch! You wound me, Michaela. But hey, at least I've got charm to spare."

She scoffed. "Charm? More like a surplus of arrogance."

Their banter was their secret language, a dance of wit and fire. But beneath the teasing, something deeper simmered—a connection that neither could ignore.

One sunny afternoon, they found themselves alone in the school courtyard. Bolton pulled her toward the bench, and they sat side by side. The air smelled of freshly mowed grass and possibility.

"You know," Bolton said, nudging her shoulder, "I've been thinking."

"Scary," Michaela quipped. "What's rattling around in that head of yours?"

He leaned closer, their knees brushing. "Maybe we should ditch the textbooks and create our own equations. Like, 'Bolton + Michaela = Chemistry.'"

Michaela's cheeks flushed. "Bolton Smilie, are you suggesting—"

"—that we explore the mysteries of attraction?" he finished. "Absolutely."

And so, they did. Their stolen moments were sweet and clandestine. Hand-holding in the library stacks, whispered confessions during lunch breaks, and stolen kisses behind the gymnasium.

One day, after a particularly intense chemistry class, Bolton pulled her into a janitor's closet. The dim light revealed dust motes dancing in the air. He cupped her face, his thumb tracing her bottom lip.

"Michaela," he murmured, "I've got a hypothesis."

She raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

He leaned in, their breaths mingling. "Kissing you," he said, "increases my heart rate exponentially."

Michaela's lips curved. "And what's your conclusion?"

Bolton's kiss was the answer—a soft collision of lips, a promise of more. They tasted like forbidden fruit, like the thrill of breaking rules. And in that tiny closet, they discovered a truth: love wasn't a theorem to solve; it was a wild, unpredictable force.

Outside, the school bell rang, jolting them back to reality. Bolton grinned. "So, Michaela, are we officially a couple?"

She pretended to think. "Well, considering your lack of study skills, I suppose I'll have to tutor you in the art of romance."

He pulled her close, their foreheads touching. "Deal," he whispered. "But only if you promise to laugh at my terrible jokes forever."

And so, in the hidden corners of Waterloo Road, they wrote their own story—a tale of banter, butterflies, and stolen kisses. No smut, just the sweet ache of first love

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