Welcome home

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   "You found her! Wow... She really does look just like me. What happened?" Shoto came in carrying the girl in his arms. She was covered in bruises and mud at this point.

   "Some people were kicking her around. I took care of them though." Shoto looks down at her. "She's trembling and passed out we should probably bring her to the dorms and see what Mr. Aizawa thinks."

   "Your right let's go."

   On the way to UA shoto stopped to take his sweatshirt off and put on the girl. She was still shaking and still unconscious. You could see he was trying not to be rough while holding her just in case anything was broken. Shoto always gets this face when he's concentrating too hard.

   "It's ok Todoroki I don't think she can feel any pain right now. While she's unconscious I mean." He looks at me.

   "Right. Sorry." He continues to focus.

    Once we make it back to the dorms we go to the main room where everyone is and Shoto tells Denki to get a towel and asks Momo if she could grab clothes for the girl to borrow when she wakes up since hers were wet and destroyed. I went to find Mr. Aizawa.

   I find him in the kitchen and explain the whole situation. He has Kachann finish cooking and shows me a spare dorm room and the supply closet. Then Momo ran up to me.

   "Midoriya some of the girls in the class were wondering if maybe until your sister wakes up, she can sleep in the main room and all of us will too so if she wakes up in the middle of the night she won't be alone." She smiles at me.

   "That sounds like a great idea!" 

   I can't help but continuously think about the fact that All for one was my father, her father and I'm the one who killed him. I start to panic and run to my room. Trying to breathe I keep panicking. I can't see straight anymore and it's hard to breathe.
   I killed him... I destroyed her life. He's all she had. Has she been alone this whole time? How has she felt? Does she hate me? Will she hate me?

   I can't think straight anymore...

   All of the sudden there's a knock at my door. "Hey Izuku, food's ready." It's Kachann. Deep breaths...

   "Okay, I'll be right there. Thanks Kachann!" I sound like my usual perky self. He's been worrying about me a lot more since the war. And he doesn't need that right now.


   After we ate, the girl, my sister was still sleeping and all the girls set up sleeping bags in the main room. Momo brought her a blanket and a pillow and tucked her in and also made sure a change of clothes was on one of the sofas in case she woke up and wanted to change. Tsu put a nightlight in the wall so she could see her surroundings and not freak out if she woke up. And Shoto wiped the dirt off of her face with a wipe 'so she wouldn't wake up with severe acne.' those were his words.

   I walked into my room and tried to fall asleep but it took hours until I finally passed out.


   I woke up to a sharp pain in my ribs. Looking around I'm surrounded by the girls of the class I've been watching for so long. Then I see tufts of red and white hair sticking out of a blanket in the corner of the room. At the end of the couch I see a stack of clothes and with a piece of paper on it. It was a note for me. And it said...

Dear mystery girl,

   My name is shoto, my friend Momo left some of her clothes here for you to change into if you want. The showers are in the room across from where you're sleeping. They should fit you... Anyways I noticed you were watching us earlier and that you looked just like my friend so we went to talk to his mom and apparently you're his twin sister. I hope you can sleep well.
   Oh, and I wouldn't try to leave. The doors and windows on the dorms automatically lock from the outside and inside with alarms every night. We don't mean you any harm. In fact all the girls wanted to sleep in here so that if you woke up you wouldn't feel so lonely in the middle of the night.
   I hope you like it here. Oh and by the way welcome home! It's yours if you want it.

                           -Shoto Todoroki

   Why would they do all of this for me? All of them... I was sent here to spy on them so my uncle can get rid of all of them. I'm a horrible person and yet...

   I stood up and grabbed the clothes and walked to the showers. Once I got in a realized that mud had dried to my skin and in my hair and how disgusting I must have looked to talk of them. Washing it all off I thought about what the letter said. Welcome home. Could this really be my home? I really have a brother.

   A memory flashes from the storm earlier today and the flash of red and white. Was it him? Did he bring me here? Maybe... But why would he do all of that for someone he knows nothing about?

   I get out and dry my hair looking at a shelf labeled 'community' I see lotion and put it all over myself and after getting dressed grab an unopened tube of chapstick. I clean up my mess and go back out to the room I woke up in. That's when I see Shoto sitting on the couch where I was sleeping, reading a book.

   "Sorry, did I wake you up?" He looks up at me.

   "It's fine, I heard the water running and I thought you must be awake and decided to wait up for you." He says and smiles softly, which is something I haven't seen very often since I started watching them.

   "Oh... Did you bring me here?"


   "And did you save me from those guys?"


   "Oh... Thank you." I look down at my hands.

   "What's your name?"

   "Reina... And your Shoto right?"

   His eyes widen. "How did you know that?"

   "My uncle... He sent me here. To spy on you, izuku and bakugo... He said you killed my dad, his brother."

   "We did. I guess but, he had to be stopped and he wouldnt just let us arrest him. He killed Bakugo, blew off Midoriya's arms, killed so many others including two of our classmates that weren't able to come back like Bakugo..."

   "I figured there was a reason. You all seem so... Kind. And that's why I don't understand why you would help me knowing who my father is... I mean that makes me a villain too doesn't it." Tears well up in my eyes.

   "Do you want to hurt us?"

   "No! I want... I want to be your friend. I want to help people just like you guys to everyday."

"We don't get to choose our parents Reina. You can be who you want to be. We are not our parents. I learned that from your brother..." Shoto looks down at his hands the whole time he's talking to me. "Anyways it's been a day, and tomarrow the girls have plans for you so you might want to get some sleep." He gets up and goes back to his corner.

   "Plans? What plans?"


   "Like for groceries?"

   "No, for clothes and stuff for your room.'

   "People do that?"

   "Haven't you?"

   "I've never done anything..."

   "Well I guess your life starts now then. Goodnight Reina."

   "Goodnight shoto."

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