I'm Here...

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   "Are you kids serious. You had one job. Go. To. Bed. And you couldn't even do that. And you three," Mr. Aizawa looked at me, Shoto, and Izuku. "You knew that villains were looking for you, Reina. Yet you let other students go out, unsupervised. Now Kaminari is back to not coming out of his room, god only knows how Bakugo's heart is doing. He's not supposed to be under stress. The first years could possibly end up in the same position as you!" He sighs and puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

   "We're sorry sir." Shoto looks down.

   "Do you understand the gravity of this situation? We don't even know what that girl's quirk did to Kaminari because he won't let anyone see him!" There was a bang in the corner of the room, then Kaede was storming off. To Denki's room I would assume.

   "Mr. Aizawa I understand the situation isn't... Ideal, but now we know I was right about my uncle! We can do something to stop him!"

   "We can't do anything. The pros will handle this. I'm not involving my students in another possible war, when one just  ended less than 9 months ago."

   "But I can help! I know him better than anyone and I'm really strong."

   "You will focus on your training like normal. Is that clear?"

   "Yes sir." Everyone else nodded. I ran out.


   There was a knock at my door. Again.


   No. I can't see her.

   "Go away Kae."

   "Please... Just let me in."

   "No. Please. I want to be alone." She opened the door anyways. And then I couldn't help it anymore. I broke. As soon as I saw her I started sobbing and she ran to me, like I knew she would.

   "It's ok... Shhhh.... It's ok." Her arms wrapped around me tightly and I could feel myself shaking even more now.

   "You... You were just like her."




   Everything is black. Where am I? That girl, she's gone.

   Is that... A building? No. It's broken down... This is. Jirou!

   I turned the corner to find an arm, but it wasn't Jirou's.

   "Kae... Kaede." I could feel the tears streaming down my face, the hot searing water pooring down my face. Just like before. Her arm was missing, in my hand. Her legs were gone, face distorted. Blood. So much blood. And Hey eyes weren't red, they were pink and faded. Not sparkly and alive. Dead.

   She's dead. No not again. Not again please. Not her too...

   "No! You can't do this again! Fuck you! Fuck this! You can't take them both." I barely felt my knees hit the ground. I barely felt anything. All I could do was try and put her back together. I tried so hard. I couldn't do anything. I'm so stupid. So useless. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save her.

   I can't. I can't do it again. I want to...

   I want to die.

   And then it was gone. And she was there again. Alive. Burning so bright. Screaming.


End Flashback


   "What?" She said softly with tears in her eyes.

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