Just in case

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   "I can understand Sora being in my room since she's my best friend, but I don't understand why we're holding a group meeting in my room." I roll my eyes. Kohaku, Ruri, Sora, Kaede and Akari were sitting in my room. "I mean seriously this is like half the class."

   "We wanted to talk about the villain attack." Sora turned to me and Akari interrupted her.

   "If we analyze what we saw during the fight maybe we can better prepare for next time. I was thinking maybe we could ask some of the second years to help. Maybe we could ask Midoriya. He saw most-"

   "No." Ruri turned away from her twin to look at Akari. "If we ask the older students, they'll tell us not to worry about it. They just fought a war. They don't want to go through that again and they sure as hell don't want us to get involved. We should just use the information we have and continue training. It's not like we're going out to fight them. Just preparing.... In case." Everyone nods.

   They took one of my notebooks and started writing things down about each villain we saw. And who would be a good match up for each one. Then we went to the gym and trained for a bit without using our quirks. Once me and Akari started sparring I began to respect him a bit more. His quirk is pretty awesome. Even though he's pretty weird. He has these marbles that he uses and he can change their size and density and magnitude. He can basically make the bullets and throw them changing the gravitational pull of them making them go extremely fast or extremely slow in different situations. But because his quirk isn't very flashy he's had to train really hard in hand to hand combat. Same as me. He becomes extremely focused in a fight. Even if it's just practice.

   Kohaku and Ruri trained. I wonder what it would be like to have a twin. And their quirks are almost parallel to each other. Guardian angle and phantom. They are the strongest of our class.

   And then Sora and Kaede. Sora and Kaede and I have known each other since we were little, but I've always been closer with Sora. Those two have a special bond though. Almost like siblings but without the fighting. Kaede is pretty close in strength to Kohaku. Their quirks also have similar traits. Kae can bring out giant flaming phoenixes and other animals and Kohaku can summon her linked spirit. I guess that's kind of similar. Plus when Kohaku is in her phantom for she looks like she's on fire. Nobody is any match for Ruri though. She's definitely the strongest.

   After about three hours of training we finally decided to stop. I think everyone is really on edge right now. Especially Kaede, after she went to see Kaminari she hasn't been the same. I don't think I've seen her smile once. Katsuki has noticed too. The other day she got into a fight with Ruri because of something she said. I'm not sure what it was but they haven't been talking much.

   I've been thinking a lot about what could happen if these villains come back. Will there be another war? Will we have to fight just like our upperclassmen?

   I hope not.


   "Can I talk to you?" I grab Ruri's shoulder and turn her around.

   "Sure what's up?"

   "Look I'm sorry I flipped out the other day, I just heard you say something about asking Denki about what happened and I... I know you don't know what he saw but I do and it's just. We shouldn't make him go through that again."

   "It's fine Kae really. I get it."

   "Thanks." I sigh.

   "I... I um, watched some news footage from the war and there was a video of a girl, who was in class 1A but it said it was really gruesome so I didn't watch it but the cover had... It had Kaminari on it." I can feel my eyes widening and filling up with tears. "I just thought you should know it's out there... You know what he really saw."

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