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   Later in the evening, Aizawa called us down to the main room. Apparently I wasn't the only new student and, we were supposed to meet the five most promising students in the new call 1A. I'm honestly excited to meet the other new student. Then everything won't feel so overwhelming by myself.

   "Alright kids, before I introduce these kids, I want you not to be overwhelming and loud." He sighs. "Oh who am I kidding. This is Chihara Himura. She's Todoroki's cousin and she is the newest addition to you class."

   A girl walked in with the silkiest, most gorgeous white hair I've ever seen, her eyes silver, she looked like the embodiment of winter, but someone who also gave a warm feeling. It's contradictory but that's how her presence feels.

   "Shooooo~" she runs up to shoto and jumps on his back hugging his neck. "It's been ages! Like ages, ages. I mean I literally haven't seen you in forever..." She continues to ramble.

   "Chi. I can't breathe." She gets down. "Calm down. We saw each other at Christmas." He looked drained from just that short interaction.

   Aizawa spoke up again. "Anyways these are the five most promising first year hero's in training. I'll let them introduced themselves." They came piling in. One girl with purple hair was hanging over the shoulder of the only boy in the bunch, constantly speaking to him. He looked tired, really tired. Then there were two more girls who looked exactly the same except one had blue eyes and one had amber eyes and warmer blonde hair than the other. They were tall. And then the last girl. She looked... Just like Bakugo. Except she didn't look as pent up. Less like a rabid animal.

   The girl with the purple hair looked at us. "hiiii, I'm Sora and this is Ren he's Aizawas nephew." That explains why he looks so drained. He just waved.

   "I'm Ruri." The blue eyed twin said.

   "And I'm Kohaku. Her twin sister."

   The girl who I'm assuming is related to Bakugo didn't even introduce herself, instead she looked around the room then her eyes lit up. "KAMI!" She ran up to Denki and gave him a hug. He had zero reaction, it was honestly pretty sad.

   I haven't actually had a chance to meet denki, but since spying on the class something seemed off about him. He never smiled, never laughed. He always had his hands in his pockets, looking down all the time.

   Bakugo pulled the girl away from Denki and whispered sorry in his ear. "Kaede I told you that you can't be like this today. He's not the same person he was before." Bakugo was mumbling to the girl while she pouted. "Everyone this is Kaede, my younger sister." She smiled at us.

   "Drastically different from Bakubro!" The redhead that's always with Bakugo along with Mina. Then Bakugo dragged Kaede to the corner near me. I noticed that Denki had left the room.

   I heard them having a whisper argument. It started with Bakugo.

   "I told you not to pull some shit like that Kae. He's not the same. Why do you think he's never over anymore."

   "I didn't think it would be like that. He used to be so happy... What happened?"

   "I told you it's not my place to talk about it."

   "You could at least give me some sort of explanation since you won't let me talk to him."

   "The war Kae. He lost someone really important to him. Greif is what happened." Kaede's eyes widened.

   "Where is his room." Bakugo sighed.

   "First door on the second floor." She ran.

   Momo was suddenly right next to me. She looked serious. "Her name was Jirou. She was in our class, and her and Kaminari were really close." She rubbed the back of her neck. "They were sent to separate places during the war and... Then afterwards we all helped with cleanup. The pros didn't tell us she died, so when we were looking for bodies Kaminari thought she was sectioned in another place until he found her."

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