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"I think it's time for bed." Then the light went out and Shoto yelled.

"MOMO! MAKE GAS MASKS!" all of us were getting masks thrown at us in seconds. We could barely see anything. The moonlight was giving us the only bit of light we could get. Then there was a flash of pink and green light and some people had their masks taken from them including half of class 2 and 1A. Bakugo, and Shoto had their masks taken.


The pink and green flash suddenly turned into a girl. She knocked Momo out from behind with a sword. I flashed to Shoto using my quirk and tried to give him my mask.

"Take this."



"If this is poison we need you more!"

"No we don't."

He glares at me. "You're stronger than me and you know it just hurry.... Hurry the hell up and beat them..." He fell to the ground and passed out.

Everyone was yelling and arguing about getting a teacher. Then Bakugo yelled.

"Most of us fought a fucking war! We've seen much worse than this. Don't waste your breath arguing just fucking fight and win!" He lunged forward and attacked the boy with salmon hair. "And what the hell are you smirking for!"

Everyone started fighting.

This is my fight too.


I feel so useless. So helpless... So... Quirkless.

Then I saw her. Reina. She started glowing and everything started shaking again, but this time everything felt different. The air was tense. Her hair slowly glowed brighter and brighter and then her eyes and hair turned purple and a strike of purple lighting struck down right in front of the crying blonde villain. "You really chose the worst place to attack my new home." She looked at them with the most... Horrifying look in her eye. She slowly bent down and placed both of her hands in the grass and closed her eyes. Lighting started flashing everywhere. There was a storm of it swirling around Reina. She suddenly looked up and screamed and her hair turned white and she disappeared from where she was. Suddenly behind the villain and kicked her in her side making her go flying. "I can take energy from anything. And then means..." She flicked out of sight again and before the other girl even hit the ground she was behind her in the air and kicked her up again. "That's when I can touch the earth...." She disappeared one more time and then landed in front of the ginger boy that Kachann was fighting instead and let the girl fall to the ground. "I can't take all the energy I want from it." A flash of lightning struck right both of them were standing. And then there was a big bright light surrounding the area around them. Then when it dissipated he was fine using a shelf of light to continue to block her powerful, constant attacks.

"And you're giving me plenty of light to steal." He said a sudden bright sword appeared in his hand and he swung it at her but she flashed away.


Ow. It hurts so bad. Shi... Shikkoku. I need to protect him.

"Denki! Use your electricity quirk to get the guy in the trees!" I heard a boy with red hair yell at another boy. I stood up and slowly walked in front of him. Holding my side in agony.

"I know your name... I know your quirk... I'm giving you... One warning." I say between winces. I activated my quirk slightly making a purple light shine from my eyes. "One warning to not touch him..."

"You can barely walk little girl. Sit down." He said with a smirk and tried to run past me.



I looked over to Denki and Kirishima. They both had gas masks on, but the girl who just got beat down was limping towards denki. We didn't know what her quirk was but-



"Denki back up!" I screamed running towards him but I didn't say it in time. He was enveloped in a swarm of darkness. Kaede saw it and ran towards the ball but immediately got thrown away from it.

The air felt heavy as soon as it appeared. It felt dangerous. Terrifying. Like Satan himself had risen from hell and controlled the oxygen. Everyone stopped fighting except Reina after we heard something. A gut wrenching, blood curdling scream that came from inside the swarm. It was Denki.

"Denki! I'm coming. Oh my god!" Kaede started burning and the giant Phoenix from the training matches appeared behind her. And when she threw her head back in a scream with her arms out the phoenix shreaked and flew forward at the ball of darkness enveloping it as Kaede continued to scream and more flames surrounded her. And the phoenix grew bigger and bigger. The phoenix started using it's wings to crush the ball of darkness and you could see Kaede starting to burn up from the heat. Chihara, who had until then been trying wake up Kachann and Mina ran over to her and started creating snow around Kaede's body.

"Keep going! I'll keep your body cool!"

The ball of darkness finally dissipated but the blonde girl who was in it before look much different. Her eyes were glowing with a darker purple her hair was back and her whole body was tightly cover in the black smoke, black veins were surround the skin around her eyes. She was crying and when she looked at Chihara she started shaking. She was making Chihara scared to death just by looking at her. She fell to the ground and the villain jumped up, way higher than a normal person and grabbed the middle of the giant phoenixes neck and slammed it down until the ground cause the ground shake violently and making it disappear and cause Kaede to falter knocking her over. She immediately crawled to Denki. Then right as Reina finally knocked the light guy down the blonde villain ran over to her and kicked her hard in the back, causing Reina to go flying through the trees. Then she came flying right back out thunder clapping and lightning crashing everywhere.

They were like to flashes. Then when there fists collided there was a shift in the air. It was the most gut wrenching feeling. It felt like when your trying to scream but can't. Everyone stopped fighting. Everyone. Including the other villains. The boy with salmon hair, who had been being held off by some of the first years and said first years, kaede and denki froze, the smoke stopped. It felt like everything stopped. The ground was continuously shaking but now, there was a swirling storm in the sky and the clouds were... Black and purple lightning was still striking down everywhere. The both screamed in a rage at the same time. And then there was a blast of wind around them and Reina kicked the other girl while the villain grabbed Reina's face and threw her toward the ground. They both went flying. And then in an instant they were on each other again. They started going so fast nobody could see them and then they were on the ground Reina was in top of the other girl and she threw her head back and screamed, rasing her arm back and charging it causing it to glow and slammed it onto the villains face knocking her out cold. Then there was a flash of pink and green as the other villains girl grabbed her and too her unconscious body back towards the woods. The boy with salmon hair grabbed the ginger villain and drug him back towards the woods as well.

Then a villain with a dark blue almost black hair emerged and they all took they're gas masks off. "This was a warning." I looked at Reina who was panting on the ground and the light purple that she was glowing before was slowly flickering to green again. "Next time, we won't be as... Gentle." They all disappeared.

The dangerous feeling in the air dissipated and was replaced with dread and fear. Kachann and Todoroki were both still unconscious along with half of the students here. Denki was still holding onto Kaede sobbing. Chihara had silent tears falling down her face and still had that terrified expression. And Reina, Reina had passed out. The first years were all comforting each other.

That was a warning?

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