He's my home

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   I don't know what I did or how to feel, but Kaede keeps either ignoring me or blowing up in my face and I don't know why. This time I really don't. I've tried asking her but, she ignores me. My sister doesn't understand. Everyone likes her she could never get it. Kaede was the first friend I made other than her and even though she already had a best friend it was nice to be close to someone that didn't have the same DNA for once.i miss her and I wish she would talk to me but she won't. I can't take it anymore. I'm constantly fidgeting and I just want to scream. I want to lay in my bed and scream so loud that the whole world can hear it.

   "Are you okay?" I turn to see my sister reaching a hand to put it on my shoulder.

   "I'm fine. I'm just confused about Kae that's all."

   "It'll be ok. You guys will sort it. Your not... Having an attack are you?"

   I shake my head. "No it's not that bad anymore. I told you that." I smile at her and she nods, though it was like. It was an attack and I needed to leave before anyone saw it.

   "Mr. Aizawa can I use the restroom."

   "Whatever." He waves me off.

   As soon as I get into the hallway I sprint down the halls and outside running right off campus.

   It's fine.

   I could feel the hot tears pooring down my face, I could taste the salt.

   She doesn't hate you. It's fine.

   It was pooring rain but I kept running anyways. I couldn't stop. My legs were moving on their own. I could feel the rain pooring down on me washing over the tears in my face, the darkness of the streets due to it being evening and cloudy it was so... Breathtaking. I kept shaking not able to stop and I ran into the first alley I saw.

   She doesn't hate you. She's just upset. It's ok. You are okay.

   I let out a violent sob and started gasping for air, feeling like I couldn't breath. "I can't-" I could feel myself as the minutes passed getting more and more light headed. I slid down the wall of a brick building behind me gasping for air, the only thing keeping me awake was the streelights lighting up the road next to me and the freezing, pouring rain. I tried to take one deep breath and push myself out into the light and I walked down the road. I could feel myself trembling, I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or the fact that I might pass out from my panick attack at any second.

   After a few more second of me stumbling down the road I saw the streelights go out and watch small balls of light float out of them and come towards me. The started flurrying around me, and one ball of light came towards my hands, I held them out and it's was so warm. It was so beautiful and...

   Calming. Deep breaths.

   I watch as the flickering lights danced around me, almost like small stars and felt the one in my hands keeping my warm. It was the most magical thing I've ever seen. It was something straight out of a fairytale, it was like I couldn't even feel the rain anymore. Like I couldn't feel the pain.

   I looked around to try and see what was causing it, and in the alley I had been in a saw a shadow figures standing with a small light on one fingertip. When whoever it was noticed that I noticed them, they ran.

   "Wait!" I run after them and the lights catch up to the person I was chasing and form one big ball. "Wait please! What's your name!" I call after them. They kept running.

   Who... Who was that?

   I chased them for a solid thirty minutes and then couldn't anymore, but when I got to the place where he was when I last saw him there was a tiny ball of light floating right in front of me. I reached out towards it and when I touch it, it turned into words. Only a few but they were just as beautiful as the light.

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