friday night. steve randle

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if were to describe myself with one word, it would be stoic. i've always been the person to withstand any kind of misfortunes that came in my life. after all, that's how life is, we can't always live like it's all sunshine snd rainbows.

but i finally felt the emptiness long before i realized what it was, men came into my life and left and their desertions never impacted me.

at least not like how steve's did, steve had an assertive and dominant demeanour, his forcefulness doubled when he was dating someone. and i always endured his intensity, i was one of the few girls that  could handle him. but through his nature, he had a way of showing love.

i guess that's what made me fall in love with him, his tender acts that speak volumes of his love, despite his commanding behaviour, i knew that deep down he loved me just as i much as i loved him.

and even though his take-charge attitude was difficult to deal with, the idea of ending our relationship never crossed my mind.

before i knew it, a minuscule dispute and the night ending in,

"we're through, i don't wanna see you around!" he sneered, his words laced with disdain as he slammed the passenger door shut, his car roared off, vanishing down the road.

the way a trivial, yet so monstrous quarrel that caused a aching divide between me and him.

from the moment on, i was consumed by my tears and an overwhelming sadness, trapped in a suffocating embrace, i couldn't bear to leave my room the next day. each day dragged on, not hearing from him. a torturous 2 weeks without seeing him at school, after school. or anywhere, almost like he completely vanished from existence.

i longed for the courage to reach him out, but pride has built a wall around me.

friday night was buzzing to life, along with the fervour of the big football game, after my friends practically begged me to get out of the confinements of my bedroom, they promised me a night of distraction and excitement. reluctantly, i agreed, donning on a simple fitted sweater, a knee length skirt, my white and black saddle shoes and a smile i didn't quite feel.

as we entered the stadium, the cheers and the scent of buttery popcorn immediately flooded in the air. each step we took to our seats, the weight of regret became heavier.

"tommy look so cute in his football helmet!" my friend, arlene gushed as we settled in our seats, causing a eruption of chuckles from the others.

i let out a soft chuckle, barely registering her words as they went in one ear and out the other. my friends continued to gush about the football team, but my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of steve.

my gaze instinctively searched for his usual spot where his and his friends usually sat, i promised myself to not try looking for him but i couldn't help myself, my friend maxine who was sitting next to me followed my eyes and figured me out.

"don't tell me you're looking for him." she teased, raising an eyebrow as she nudged me playfully.

the others caught on to the conversation, "yeah, we didn't take you out just for you to look for him." arlene chimed in, giving me a pointed look.

"i know, i know. sorry." i muttered, trying to focus on the game instead.

but then my gaze inevitably turned beside me, my eyes betrayed my resolve. and there he was, on the stands right next to mine, not far from where i was.

in the sea of cheers and laughter, there he was with his rugged looking friends laughing and talking. i could feel my heart flutter, and seeing him only intensified the ache in my stomach.

a moment later, our eyes met across the crowded stands, i looked away quickly, trying to avoid his gaze.

i turned to my friends who were engrossed with the game, "i'm gonna get a soda, i'll be back." i said as i rose from the stands.

i made my way down from the stands, weaving through the excited crowd, towards the soda stand conveniently nestled behind the stadium. the scent of popcorn and freshly mowed grass filled the air, mingling with the chatter and the cheers of the crowd.

as i approached the stand, the enticing aroma of sugary drinks and salty snacks beckoned, behind the counter stood a middle aged man, bustling to serve a customer who swiftly made their purchase and departed. approaching the counter, i asked "can i get a coke please?" the man nodded, pouring a generous serving of coke into a paper cup with a warm smile, he informed me, "that'll be 15 cents," as the fizz and aroma of the soda teased my senses.

i returned the warm smile as i fished a few coins from the purse and handing it to him, he gently handed me the cup.

as i turned around, soda in my hand, i see steve. my heart almost jumped out of my chest. he headed towards me slowly and a rush of conflicting emotions surged through me. his gaze was fixed on me with a mixture of hesitation and determination.
nervous anticipation, hurt and a glimmer of hope flooded through me.

when he finally reached me, he stopped a few feet away, his eyes searching mine. "hey," he said softly, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

my throat tightened as i struggled to find words. after a moment, i managed, "hi,"

he approached me more closely, closing the distance between us and asked, "how you been?"

i hesitated, uncertain how to respond. "i've been okay," i replied quietly. "you?"

he paused, his expression faltering momentarily before he spoke again, "things ain't going so good for me— listen i wanna say something'."his tone serious and earnest.

i raised an eyebrow at him, silently urging him to continue.

"i'm sorry, doll— for what i said. i ain't mean nun of it, i ain't been able to get you outta my head." he admitted, his voice softly cracking. "the fight was dumb—i don't even remember what it was about."

i felt all choked up and tears started to well up in my eyes. "steve, i feel the same way. i missed you so much, these past 2 weeks all i've done is think about you."

steve stepped closer, gently cupping my face with his calloused hands. "i'm sorry, doll. let's quit fighting, alright?" he said softly.

i nodded, a small smile played on my lips through my tears. that's all i ever wanted to hear from him, "deal."

i closed the remaining distance and pressed my lips against his, a kiss filled with all my emotions bottled up. i missed his soft lips, i could feel him yearning and his sense of longing. i deepened my lips into his, i placed my unoccupied hand on his chest.

he responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around me. when we finally pulled away, my face was flushed, our foreheads rested together.

"i missed you so much. i love you, steve." i murmured, barely a whisper.

"i missed you too, alright? he replied.

we stood there for a moment, savouring the closeness we had regained. hand in hand, we walked back to the stadium, continuing to watch the game together.

A/N: HII POOOKIESSS!!! i've been in a writers slump for a quite a while but i've finally found the energy and motivation to write something and i hoped you like this!!
i definitely made steve a little sappy but there are worse things in the world 💌🫶

hope you all have a good day!

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