Emmerdale Jasmine and Debbie 12

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Scene: The Dingle Farm Kitchen

Debbie (holding a cup of tea): Jasmine, I've been thinking. About the kids.

Jasmine (looking up from her phone): What about them?

Debbie: Well, Sarah and Jack are growing up so fast. And now with Noah and Moses, it's like a whirlwind. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing enough for them.

Jasmine: (smiling) You're a great mom, Debbie. Don't doubt yourself.

Debbie: But am I? I mean, look at us—two women who never planned to be parents, suddenly thrown into this chaotic family. Cain's off doing his thing, and Charity... well, she's Charity. It's just us.

Jasmine: (leaning closer) You know, when I found out I was pregnant, I was terrified. I thought my life was over. But then I saw Noah's tiny face, and suddenly, everything made sense. We're a family, Debbie. Imperfect, messy, but real.

Debbie: (softly) Yeah. And you—taking care of Moses like he's your own. You didn't have to do that.

Jasmine: (brushing a tear away) He's my nephew, Debbie. And he deserves love. Just like Sarah and Jack. We're in this together.

Scene: The Playground

Debbie: (pushing Moses on the swing) You know, I used to dream about running away. Escaping all this drama. But now... I can't imagine leaving.

Jasmine: (watching Sarah play with other kids) It's funny how life surprises us. I never thought I'd be a mom, let alone to twins. But look at us—making it work.

Debbie: (leaning against the slide) You think they'll be okay? With us?

Jasmine: (smiling) They'll be more than okay. They'll be loved. And that's what matters.

Scene: Late Night, Dingle Farm

Debbie: (sitting on the edge of Jasmine's bed) You know, sometimes I worry. About Sarah's illness. About whether I'm strong enough to handle it all.

Jasmine: (joining her) You're stronger than you realize. And Sarah? She's a fighter. We'll face it together, like we always do.

Debbie: (whispering) And you? How do you manage? With Noah's questions about his dad?

Jasmine: (looking out the window) I tell him stories. About his dad, about love, about family. And I hope he feels it—the love we have for him, for each other.

Scene: The Farmhouse Kitchen, Morning

Debbie: (pouring cereal) You know, Jasmine, sometimes I think we're like an eloping couple. Pretending to be a family, but deep down...

Jasmine: (smiling) Deep down, we're falling in love?

Debbie: (blushing) Maybe.

Jasmine: (taking her hand) Maybe it's time we stop pretending. For the kids, for us.

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