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Summary - Siobhan just needs someone to hold her.

Over the past couple of weeks, Vivian and Siobhan had met for coffee several times. Gradually, Siobhan had started to trust her new friend and eventually she'd confessed how unhappy she was during one of their talks. Vivian understood how to talk to Siobhan and as she gently questioned the blond, she was shocked at what she was hearing. She'd assumed that Roger was controlling and jealous but nothing could have prepared her for the truth. As Siobhan detailed the horrific abuse he'd been subjecting her to, Viv's blood ran cold.

Once Siobhan had finished speaking Viv held her hand and allowed her to recover in silence. What she'd just done was so brave but so difficult and Viv didn't want to push her. After several minutes, the blond looked into her eyes and asked "can we go outside? I need some fresh air."

As the two women stood together, Viv took the opportunity to take a good look at her new friend. Something about Siobhan seemed so sturdy but at the same time, Viv worried that she was moments away from shattering like glass. The very first moment she'd laid eyes on her, Viv had been struck by just how beautiful Siobhan was. She could tell that the blond had a spark in there somewhere but as she'd started to speak, Viv had become acutely aware that it had clearly been long since snuffed out. As cold as their first interaction had been, all she'd wanted to do was wrap her arms around Siobhan and comfort her. She'd had no idea how or why, she was just positive that she desperately needed it.

Siobhan could feel Viv's eyes on her, but she didn't mind. She knew that the nurse genuinely cared for her and she was so grateful for her persistence. Recently, she'd been feeling more and more hopeless and every time she'd visited the nursery, she'd wondered if she should tell someone. The thing was, she'd systematically alienated everyone who worked there and she just couldn't be sure that they'd help her. Roger always sent her in to deliver bad news so everyone saw her as public enemy number one. When Viv had handed her that piece of paper with her landline number scribbled on it, she'd had no idea at that moment - but she'd saved Siobhan's life.

Hugs had never been something that Siobhan had craved, in fact she'd never been particularly tactile at all. Since Roger's abuse had escalated however, all she wanted was for someone to touch her gently. She was so sick of his hands on her body, bruising her skin and grabbing at her like a toy. Viv on the other hand was naturally tactile, always rubbing her arm or holding her hand in an attempt to comfort or encourage her.

"Viv?" Siobhan's voice was so quiet her friend could barely hear her. Viv smiled at her before replying "hmm?" She watched as Siobhan looked down at the ground before suddenly asking "can I have a hug?" Her heart sank slightly when she realised that Siobhan was clearly nervous. It made her wonder if the blond really thought there was any possibility that she would say no.

Viv wrapped her arms around Siobhan immediately and as she felt the blonds hands clinging desperately to her waist, a sharp pain shot through her heart. The two women cuddled together for over a minute before Siobhan whispered "nobody has ever just held me like this." She paused before sighing and simply adding "I'm so lonely Viv. I'm so alone."

Viv squeezed Siobhan's body ever so slightly, being mindful not to hurt her. Siobhan was a complicated woman and her demons were plentiful but she didn't deserve this. There was something good behind her cold exterior and Viv was determined to bring it to the forefront. No matter how difficult Siobhan could be, Viv couldn't comprehend how Roger could hurt her. How could he hear her cry out in pain and not want to die? How could he live with himself after he'd used his strength against her, knowing that she couldn't fight him off?

A couple of weeks ago, Viv and Siobhan hadn't even met each other. Now, the safety of one woman had fallen into the hands of the other. Time was running out and a candle was flickering in the wind, terrifyingly close to being extinguished forever.

She had to save her.

"You're not alone now Siobhan, you have me. We're going to get you out of there. I promise."

"Who cares if one more light goes out?
In the sky of a million stars
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someone's time runs out?
If a moment is all we are
We're quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do"

- One More Light (LINKIN PARK)

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