Chapter 8

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Travis's POV

I let Taylor go, as she asked me to. Maybe the delivery girl's behavior was a bit inappropriate, but there was no need to get so worked up about it.

I went down to the kitchen to put away the utensils that hadn't been used, and then I passed by Taylor's room to get to mine.

As I walked past her door, I heard sobbing, which broke my heart.

I had an idea. I went back to the kitchen, took the delivery bag with the order inside, and went to her door.

I knocked and waited for permission to enter.

Taylor: "Yes?" I heard the bed creak, which meant she was coming to open the door for me.

I smiled before taking her in my arms without even asking. I hugged her tightly. At first, she didn't move, but then she wrapped her arms around me. I buried my head in her curly hair and her neck.

I entered the room, and she closed the door behind me out of reflex.

Travis: "You know, this isn't a front door, right?"

We both burst out laughing. Hearing her laugh immediately warmed my heart.

Travis: "Come on, talk to me, Taylor. You know you can tell me anything. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

I watched her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to see her face. When she saw that I was looking at her, she turned away so I wouldn't see her smile.

I put the delivery bag on the floor and took out the tenders, then I grabbed a small tray that was on the table in the center of the room.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her toward me.

I looked at her face, which was turned towards her knees, and I noticed she was picking at her cuticles. Two of her fingers were slightly bleeding.

I took her hands in mine and sat at the edge of the bed without speaking. She rested her head on my shoulder before finally saying something.

Taylor: "I'm sorry..."

Travis: "Hey, hey, hey, no, you don't have to apologize, and I don't want to hear you apologize anymore."

Taylor smiled at me and took a chicken tender. We ate in silence.

I left for two minutes to supposedly go to the bathroom, but in reality, I went to my room to get my things and stay with her.

Taylor: "What are you doing?"

Travis: "I'm moving in."

Taylor: "I'm still mad at you." I smiled because I could tell from her voice that it wasn't true. I also knew she needed someone to be there for her, and she deserved someone who would take care of her.

Travis: "Not for long, princess."

Taylor started running around the room to avoid me, but I caught her much faster than she expected.

I started tickling her everywhere. She burst out laughing despite herself and begged me to stop, but this time I didn't listen.

After two minutes of tickling, I helped her up from the floor and pulled her toward me. Our heads were now just two centimeters apart. I kissed her tenderly, wrapping my arms around her waist to bring her closer to me. She put her hands around my neck.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before she pulled away.

Taylor: "I'm going to put on my pajamas."

I simply nodded.

She came back wearing cat pajamas. I burst out laughing when I saw them.

She climbed onto the bed next to me. Watching her struggle to get on the bed was always amusing.

I opened my arms for her to lie next to me, but she chose to lie on top of me. I wasn't fully lying down; my upper back was against the wall, and my lower back was stretched out. When she lay on top of me, I understood what she wanted.

I started playing with her hair, then scratching her back and thigh.

Taylor: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

She lifted her head because I was on my phone. I nodded and put my phone on the nightstand before getting under the covers next to her. As soon as I was next to her, I felt her place her leg over me and her arm on my chest.

I continued to stroke her head and kiss her forehead. She lifted her head.

Taylor: "I love you too, Travis. Please don't leave."

Travis: "Never, Taylor. You're the most precious thing to me, princess."

Suddenly, I remembered that I had a podcast with my brother Jason tomorrow.

Travis: "Tay?" I made sure she wasn't asleep yet.

Taylor: "Mmh?" she answered in a sleepy tone.

Travis: "Tomorrow I have to record the podcast with Jason. Do you want to stay?"

Taylor: "Of course."

I kissed her head one last time before falling asleep myself.


So, the first fight between Tay and Trav???

I hope you enjoyed it!! Don't forget to vote!!

Thank you, my stars!!





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