Chapter 5

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Hi there is the next chapter !!

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face, Meredith next to me. I decided to take a photo for Travis. Before I could take the photo, Blake called me. I answered immediately.

Blake: "HEY GIRL, how was your night? Is he next to you?"

Taylor: "BLAKE!!! No, he went back home last night..." I hesitated to tell her about the kiss from last night, but after all, she was my best friend.

Blake: "So, what happened?" I could hear the excitement in her voice.

Taylor: "We might have kissed..."

Blake: "OH MY GOD, TAYLOR, THAT'S AMAZING. When are you planning to see him again?"

Her question puzzled me. I hadn't thought about it before, but I knew we would find a way.

Taylor: "No dates for now, we both have busy schedules—me with the tour and him with his training."

Blake: "And you don't want to go see him?"

Taylor: "Blake, we've only seen each other once. I'm not sure I'm ready to be seen publicly with someone yet. You know what the media says..."

Blake: "And you know what we say to the media." I immediately understood what she meant. "Taylor, you can't deprive yourself of going out and seeing someone you like just to please the damn media, girl."

Taylor: "You're probably right. I'll talk to him about it. I don't want to rush things, you know?"

Blake: "Yes, totally. Anyway, tell me about that kiss?"

Taylor: "Well, he kissed me on the forehead." I could hear Blake sigh on the other end, thinking that was all. I continued, "He was about to leave when I grabbed his arm and kissed him..."

Blake: "THAT'S MY GIRL. And how did he react?"

I blushed behind the phone.

Taylor: "You know what, I have to go." I said a bit embarrassed. "I'll call you soon. Kiss babe, I love you."

Blake: "Mhm, love you too, girl. Take care."

Taylor: "You too, bye."

I hung up and thought about last night, the placement of his hands. I suddenly remembered the photo with Meredith.

I smiled at his direct response as if he had been waiting for my message

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I smiled at his direct response as if he had been waiting for my message.

Trav: "I already miss Meredith..."

Tay: "Is it only Meredith you miss?" I teased him.

Trav: "No, also her owner. I think you might know her, she's right next to Meredith , a beautiful blonde with an incredible tour, who is the music industry."

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