Chapter 4

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Wow this chapter is a little long (1093 words) but it worth reading it

I headed towards the front door, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts. As I took the few remaining steps to reach the door handle, a question popped into my head: "How are we going to greet each other?" That universal question we all ask ourselves at a first meeting.

As I reached the handle, I opened the door and stood there, speechless. In front of me was a tall, very tall man with dark hair, muscular build, green eyes, and a charming smile. He was impeccably dressed, everything I liked. Before I could react, he stepped forward and hugged me in a comforting embrace. I did the same, wrapping my arms around his waist. We stayed like that for a few moments before I stepped back to let him in and closed the door behind him.

He placed his shoes where I indicated, and I took his jacket to hang it in the entryway closet.

"Very nice house, you'll have to give me your rental contact," he said with a smile.

I laughed nervously and took his hand to lead him into the living room so we could chat a bit before dinner. At the touch of our skin, a shiver ran through my entire body.

We sat on the couch, facing each other, and started a conversation about our different lives and professional experiences.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Travis said, pulling something out of his pocket. "The reason for my visit."

He handed me a bracelet that I took and fastened around my wrist.

"No one has ever done this for me before, thank you, Travis," I said, moved.

"If it makes you happy, then all the better," he replied with a smile.

I got up to sit next to him. I trusted him and felt the need to confide in him. As soon as I sat down beside him, he took my hand as if he already knew what I was going to say or do.

"I've always wanted to talk to someone other than my friends. Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

Travis squeezed my hand to show me he was listening and confirmed verbally:

"Anything you want, princess."

Every time he called me "princess," it made me blush, both internally and externally, judging by the smile on his face.

When I felt ready, I took a deep breath and began:

"I took a long time to decide whether to send you a message or not."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, which made me laugh. I continued:

"My last relationship was destructive for me..." he squeezed my hand to show his support. "He hurt me... a lot. Since then, it's been hard for me to reconnect with a man without thinking of him," I continued. He nodded as if he understood; perhaps he had experienced something similar. His eyes showed that he was listening.

I told him about my previous relationship for at least thirty minutes without him interrupting or letting go of my hand. Travis made me feel safe. I then asked him if he wanted to talk about his recent relationships; he shook his head, indicating he preferred not to. I understood that he might have suffered too.

To lighten the mood, I offered him a drink, which he refused because he had to drive later. I then served us two glasses of water. We were around the kitchen island. I went to the speaker to put on some background music, then sat next to Travis. To my pleasant surprise, he placed his hand on my thigh, which made me shiver. Without realizing it, we ate early.

For dessert, Travis had brought a cake, and I had made cinnamon rolls. I decided to put some in a box for him to enjoy later.

I cut the cake and served us two fairly equal slices, giving him the bigger one, which made him laugh.

"Do you want to sit on the couch for dessert?" I suggested.

"Yes, great idea," Travis replied.

We agreed and moved to the couch. I got up to get glasses of water without saying anything, which puzzled Travis. He turned around and raised an eyebrow to show his confusion. I responded with a smile before returning with two glasses of water.

"I forgot the water," I explained.

Travis nodded in understanding this time, which made me laugh. I sat on the couch next to him and gently rested my head on his shoulder. In return, he rested his head on mine. I turned on the TV, and we agreed to watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Coincidentally, Meredith, my cat, settled on Travis's lap. This surprised me because Meredith usually didn't like new people. I turned my head to look at Travis, who was gently petting Meredith with affection.

I lifted my head from his shoulder and said:

"She must really like you; she never does that. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous."

Travis laughed and placed his hand on my thigh before saying:

"It's getting late; I should go."

I nodded, a bit sad to let him leave. I gave him his jacket that I had hung in the closet.

"Here's your jacket," I said.

"Thanks, princess. I'll text you when I get home," he replied.

He gave me a simple kiss on the forehead before turning to reach the handle, but before he could open the door, I grabbed his arm and said:


He turned to face me. Without thinking, I placed a gentle kiss on his lips. I smiled as I felt his hands wrap around my hips, and I wrapped mine around his neck.

After a few minutes, we separated and wished each other "goodnight" one last time before parting for real. I watched through the window as his car disappeared into the distance. I realized the smile that spread across my lips and decided to embrace it, to smile even more.

I finished tidying up the house a bit, even though Travis had already done a lot. Then I went up to my room to find my three cats waiting eagerly on the bed. I smiled and lay down next to them. I fell asleep after receiving a message from Travis:

"Made it home safely. Goodnight, princess. Thanks again for tonight and for the cinnamon rolls; they are delicious. P.S.: I already miss you."


I hope you enjoyed it. It's a bit longer, but let me know what you think.



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