Chapter 12

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It had been two weeks since Travis left for his training.

It was noon in Brazil, with a two-hour time difference from Kansas City. After doing the sound checks for tonight's concert, I received a call from Travis.

"Hi there," I exclaimed as soon as I saw his face on my screen.

"Hi princess. How are you, babe? How's Brazil?"

"It's great, but it's extremely hot. I'm worried about my fans tonight."

"You know, Tay, you have the right to reschedule the concert for another date."

"I know, Trav, but I don't want to inconvenience anyone. Anyway, never mind, how's training going?"

"Very well, but Tay, are you sure?"

I was starting to get annoyed.

"Yes, Travis, I'm sure," I sighed at the end of my sentence.

"Ok, well, I'll let you go. I have to get ready anyway. I love you, princess. Can't wait to see you, I miss you, my love."

"Mmh, I love you too, Travis. I miss you too, my kitty."

Used to Travis hanging up, I didn't pay attention, but Travis didn't hang up.

"What?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"Taylor, take care of yourself. I love you, my love."

And he hung up without giving me time to respond.

Tree came into my room to inform me of the temperature at the stadium and suggested canceling. I refused.


I said goodbye to the audience one last time before getting into the waiting car. Once inside, I saw Tree's emotionless face with tears in her eyes, which was unusual.

"Tree? What happened?"


The tone of her voice made me think it concerned me. Knowing she didn't have the strength to tell me, I took her phone and she directly showed me an article: a Taylor Swift fan had died from the heat at her concert in Rio.

Reading this message, I felt like falling from a great height. I returned to the hotel, silent.

I decided to call Trav.

He answered quickly: "Tay, you know it's late. I know you miss me, but you could have told me tomorrow..." He stopped when he saw the tears streaming down my cheeks through the screen. "What happened, babe?" he asked in a protective and worried tone.

"One of my fans died..." I burst into tears. Starting to have trouble breathing, Tree, who was in the living room, ran to my room and explained the details to Travis while trying to calm me down at the same time.

She changed me into pajamas and put me to bed. I couldn't even send a message to Travis to give him an update, but I'm sure Tree took care of it.


I landed in Kansas City. Once the plane stopped, I looked out the window and saw Travis waiting, leaning on the black pickup.

Once the doors opened, I ran down the steps to his arms.

He enveloped me in his arms and I burst into tears. "Shh, it's fine, Tay, I'm here, sweetie." He helped me get into the car. On the way, he put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and placed my hand on his chest. I swung my legs over his; I just needed comfort, and Travis was the only person who could give it to me at that precise moment. Once we arrived at his house, he said, "Go to bed, Tay. I'll take care of your luggage. Go rest."

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