💀🌹Chapter 15🌹💀

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Menelaus leaves Mount Olympus and immediately starts scouring the mortal world for any trace of Andre. His dark eyes scan every corner, his senses heightened, but after days of searching, he finds nothing. Frustration mounts as he realizes Andre has eluded him completely.

After exhausting all possibilities in the mortal realm, Menelaus reluctantly returns to Mount Olympus. He stands before Zeus, his head bowed in submission. "My lord, there is no trace of Andre in the mortal world. He has hidden himself well."

Zeus's face contorts with rage, his eyes blazing with a fury that seems to darken the very air around them. "You incompetent fool!" he bellows, his voice echoing through the grand hall like thunder. In a fit of anger, Zeus slaps Menelaus hard across the face, the sound of the impact reverberating around them. "Find him, or you get no pleasure time! Do you understand?"

Menelaus reels from the blow but stands his ground, nodding. "Yes, my lord. I will find him."

Zeus steps closer, his breath hot and filled with menace. "Go to the Underworld. Search every dark corner, every hidden crevice. Do not return until you have Andre. If you fail, you will wish you had never crossed me."

Menelaus swallows hard, nodding again. "I will find him, my lord. I will not fail you."

With a wave of dismissal from Zeus, Menelaus leaves Mount Olympus once more, this time descending into the dark and foreboding Underworld. As he crosses the threshold into the realm of the dead, he feels the oppressive weight of the Underworld bearing down on him. Shadows dance around him, and the air is thick with the scent of death and decay. Menelaus steels himself, ready to begin his search anew in this dark and perilous place.

Menelaus prowls through the winding paths of the Underworld, his eyes scanning the gloomy surroundings. He passes through the Fields of Asphodel, where the souls of the dead wander aimlessly, their whispers echoing in the silence. He moves past the River Styx, its dark waters swirling with the souls of the damned, and ventures deeper into the domain of Hades.

Determined to find Andre, Menelaus enters the darker, hidden corners of the Underworld. He interrogates spirits and shades, his voice a low growl as he demands information. Despite his persistence, no one has seen or heard of Andre. The Underworld remains an impenetrable maze, concealing its secrets well.

As Menelaus presses on, he begins to sense a presence watching him. The shadows seem to grow darker, and the air colder. He realizes he is not alone in his search and that Hades himself might be aware of his intrusion. Menelaus tightens his grip on his weapon, prepared for a confrontation if necessary.

The Underworld proves to be a formidable challenge. The labyrinthine paths twist and turn, leading him deeper into darkness. Menelaus encounters fearsome creatures, from the three-headed Cerberus to ghostly wraiths that whisper threats in his ears. He fights off these dangers, his resolve unwavering.

In one of the darker corners, Menelaus stumbles upon a hidden cavern. The air is thick with an otherworldly chill, and the walls are adorned with ancient runes. He cautiously steps inside, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. As he ventures deeper, he hears faint whispers, the voices of the dead echoing off the stone walls.

Menelaus interrogates the spirits, demanding information about Andre. The shades are reluctant, their eyes hollow and their voices weak. But one spirit, an old man with a long, wispy beard, finally speaks. "Andre is hidden well, protected by the one who rules this realm. You will not find him easily."

Frustration gnaws at Menelaus, but he presses on. He knows that failure is not an option. As he delves deeper into the heart of the Underworld, he encounters a hidden alcove. Inside, he finds a small, flickering flame that seems to pulsate with a strange energy. It's a beacon, a guide to something important.

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