Visits and Viola

17 0 4

Brooks Anderson

Acrylic's here now.

"Hey there" I waved slightly. She just nodded.

"So why did you come?" Darla asked Acrylic.

"No reason really" Acrylic shrugged. Wait didn't she tell me the reason on the call? I pushed that thought away.

"Come on" I gestured for her to follow me. I ran up to my room and Acrylic walked after me.

When we got into my room Acrylic sat on the bed end. Most of the time I would yell for the person to get up but my brain was basically telling me she was fine. Tolerate her.

"So... this is pretty cool" Acrylic looked around the room.

"You've been here, dummy" I muttered.

"Jeez, I was giving you a compliment!" Acrylic remarked. I sighed as I nodded a bit. Asher ran into my room.

"Ooh, it's the snake and her girlfriend~" Asher sang. Acrylic blushed intensely and I stammered.

"WHAT?! Asher! You CANNOT SAY THAT. I'M STRAIGHT, WE AREN'T DATING, AND GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I shouted. Well, the straight part was a lie.

"Fine, but I know you aren't straight!" Asher laughed before running out of my room. Acrylic looked up at me.

"Wait you aren't straight?" She asked.

"I am, he likes teasing me" I explained. Again, lie. Acrylic seemed to believe it since she nodded before looking around. She got up and walked to my vanity.

Acrylic Williams

I looked at her vanity and glided my fingers across. I stopped at a small box of hair dye.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Hair dye, idiot" Brooks muttered.

"Okay... Cool..." I said, ignoring the insult. I looked through the boxes of dye to see what colors she had. Then I found my main three colors.

Pink, purple, blue.

"Why are you staring at those three so much?" Brooks asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"No reason" I responded.

"Nah, there's definitely a reason," Brooks told me. "Just tell me already"

"Okay I'm bi"

"Which means?"

"You KNOW what it means. It means I like boys and women"

"So you're attracted to boys and girls?"

"Yeah, I guess" I shrugged. I was a bit more comfortable sharing about that than last week.

"Hmm... I have a question" Brooks said as she sat on her beanbag.

"Yeah?" I nodded as I walked closer to her and sat on the floor next to her.

"Can you tell me more about your family?" Brooks asked. I smiled slightly. We may not be friends yet but at least we can tell each other about ourselves.

"So basically I have a mom, dad, eight siblings, and three pets. It's crowded and some siblings have to share a room." I started explaining. "From the oldest to the youngest of my siblings, there's Novella, Jason, Edmund, Viola, me, Alex, Sam, Edith, and James"

"Viola sounds interesting, can you tell me more about her?" Brooks asked curiously. My eyes lit up. I loved talking about Viola since she was the person I was closest to.

"Viola's 14, and she's my best friend in my whole family. She knows all about me and exactly what I feel. I trust her with my life" I smiled.

"Can I see what she looks like?" Brooks questioned curiously.

"Oh yeah!" I nodded as I took out my phone and pulled up a picture of Viola and me. It was from one of our family vacations back to London for the summer. We were standing in front of the Big Ben clock tower. I was holding onto my beret and Viola just did the peace sign. I held it up to Brooks

Brooks Anderson

Well, she's pretty for sure.

"Oh cool. That looks like it's in London?" I inquired.

"Yup! I'm British" Acrylic nodded with a smile. Now I know why her voice is always so satisfying to listen to.

"That's really cool. But when did you come to Brooklyn?"

"Hmm, I think when I was about three or four" Acrylic said while thinking slightly.

"That's a long time" I muttered. "But you still have the accent?"

"Oh we go there every summer" Acrylic pointed out. So that's why she still has the accent. "Hey, I gotta go back home, alright?"

"Yeah sure, I'll help you out!" I nodded as I stood up. Acrylic stood up in return and we both headed out of my room and downstairs.

"So you can head home safely, right?" I asked.

"Yeah? Why are you so concerned about me?" Acrylic laughed.

"No reason, just making sure you were safe" I muttered.

"You became different... you used to never give a crap if I broke a bone or something" She pointed out.

"Well, it's different!" I raised my voice before practically shoving her out the door.

"There's the Brooks I know!" She shouted before heading off. I walked up to my room and laid on my bed. I started just thinking.

I was nicer to Acrylic than normal. It's like my brain and heart were battling each other. My brain tells me to be rude to her like I've always been, but my heart tells me to stop. Just let it be. It's telling me that there's something about to happen but I need to stop being so mean. I guess I'll pretend to be rude to her in front of Holly and Palma. But suddenly I had a realization. I shot up from my position in my bed.

Did I fall for Acrylic?

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