Student Council and Social Media

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Brooks Anderson

It was after school and on the bus. Holly, Palma, and I were chatting and gossiping about various things. We three could fit on one bus seat somehow, so we sat together.

"Oh my god, did you hear Kyle and Billie Jean broke up over pizza after being in a relationship for ten minutes?" Holly commented.

"They are like the real drama king and queen," Palma responded. I nodded. She honestly wasn't wrong.

"Wait, can we go to your house today?" Holly turned towards me. I was a bit surprised.

"Uhh sure but why?" I asked in response.

"Because we wanna go to our best friend's house?" Palma replied.

"Alright, I'm gonna tell my moms," I told them as I sent my moms a text.

Brooks: Hey is it alright if Palma and Holly come over?

Mum: Sure darling!

Mom: That's cool with me, as long as their parents allow them to

"They say yes" I stated.

"Yeah!" Palma and Holly cheered. I smiled a bit. They knew I had lesbian moms, but they didn't know that I was also lesbian. I wasn't sure when to tell them.
"What should we do when we get to your house?" Palma asked while looking at me.

"Hmm stalk people online!" Holly suggested.
"Yeah! All three of us exclaimed.

Acrylic Williams

I stayed at school for a student council meeting. We were in the library and talking about the upcoming spring break.

"So should we host a festival?" One of the boys who had fluffy brown hair and glasses suggested. He had a buttoned-up collared shirt and his sleeves were rolled halfway up his arms and had some jeans. I would say his style was like a modern steampunk if that makes sense. His name is Micheal but everyone just calls him Mikey

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe a dance?" A girl with her light brown hair down responded. She had a very coquette mixed with 90s style. Her name is Peony. I looked at both of them as they started arguing about the suggestions. They're dating but I'm not sure if they should be. It looks like a toxic relationship.

"Uhh, guys?" I squeaked slightly. "Guys?"

"Acrylic? Did you want to add something?" Mikey turned to me and so did everyone else. I took a breath, getting ready to tell them my idea.

"So I was thinking, maybe not a festival or a dance-" I started, but Peony interrupted me.

"No, it HAS to be one of those!" She said loudly. Peony and I were sort of friends, even though I don't know if her name is her real name, but she started ignoring me and one of my friends a few weeks ago. She's also gotten bossy and began spreading rumors about many people, even me.

"Hey, let's listen to her idea first" Mikey glared at her. Peony rolled her eyes but she shrugged.

"I-uh-I was thinking about maybe we could do a school-wide mural?" I offered my idea. Mikey and Peony and a few others glanced at each other. Peony shook her head and Mikey was in deep thought.

"No that's stupid" One kid shouted out and I looked away.

'Agreed" Peony said confidently.

"Don't be rude. We're student council! We're supposed to work together" Mikey told Peony while putting his hand on her arm and started rubbing her arm to calm Peony down. Peony took a few deep breaths, but not before she glared at me slightly. I sighed as I folded my arms and leaned back on my chair.

"Maybe a mural would be a good idea, I mean, we have to support our best friends!" Peony smiled innocently. It was my turn to glare at her. Don't pretend we're best friends I mouthed at her. She just rolled her eyes.

We are, whether you like it or not Peony mouthed at me. She's toxic and I feel so bad for Mikey.

Brooks Anderson

Holly, Palma, and I were in my room. We were looking at sites and social media on Holly's laptop. It's not Holly's school Chromebook, so it's a separate account.

"Okay, what should we look at?" I asked.

"Hmm... maybe YouTube channels?" Holly suggested. Palma and I nodded. I've been friends with Holly the longest than I have with Palma. We've been friends ever since first grade. Then, in third grade, Palma moved to our city, Brooklyn, New York. No one knows why she moved, but we don't care. Holly and I became friends with Palma almost immediately.

"Okay... Let's see what Acrylic's channel is like" Palma commented.

"Sure!" I smiled softly.

"Okay... APainterNamedAcrylic... found it. Wow, she does have over two thousand subscribers" Holly seemed surprised.

"I bet her videos are just cringe," Palma muttered. Holly clicked on one of Acrylic's videos. It was a video of her painting Olivia Rodrigo. I secretly loved Olivia Rodrigo, but no one knew, except for my family. I'm a musical geek but Holly and Palma only tolerated boy bands and Justin Bieber for some reason. Not even Taylor Swift, who's another one of my favorites.

"Girl, she paints that weirdo?" Holly gagged a bit.

"I mean, she's a weirdo," Palma added. I nodded.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. "But, she's a good artist?"

"If she painted Sephora's inside, then we would tolerate her. But she didn't" Holly rolled her eyes.

"True" I nodded. I sighed softly. Are we actually that rude? I shook my head and continued to watch more of Acrylic's videos while making fun of her.

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