Paintings and Pestering

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Acrylic Williams

I was done with my neon painting from last night. I was painting this after I got home from the student council meeting. I put Edmund's blacklight in my backpack and carried my painting to the school bus. Edmund let me have his blacklight to borrow for today.

I got onto the bus and the bus driver tried to sneak a peek at my painting.

"Not yet, sorry," I told him and I walked to my seat.

"Hey, the art freak even brought a painting because she thinks the principal will hang it in the commons! Because she thinks she's so special!" A kid shouted and everyone started laughing.

"I'll have you know, this painting is worth more than your future!" I shouted at the kid who said that and everyone went quiet. "Much better" I mumbled as I sat down in my seat.

When the bus arrived at school and the doors opened up, everyone started running out. I waited until everyone exited the bus before I walked out. Can't risk my painting getting ruined!

When I finally got out of the bus, I quickly hurried into the school and to the art and music wing. I was always the first one to arrive there, besides the teachers.

I knocked on the door twice. Mr. Harris then opened the door.

"Acrylic! Come on in!" He cheered as I walked in with my painting. "Oh, what's that you have there?"

"This is the painting I painted last night. It's a glowing beach. My brother handed me his blacklight so let me just..." I put the painting on an easel near an electrical outlet. After that, I turned off the lights, with Mr. Harris' permission of course. I removed the blacklight from my backpack and plugged it into one of the outlets. I then held the blacklight a few feet away from the painting, making the painting glow a neon color.

"My inspiration is the California beaches" I added.

"Wow! This is really good!" Mr. Harris complimented me.

"Haha, thanks" I smiled softly. When I looked at it, I closed my eyes and I was in the painting itself. I sat on the warm sand and looked out at the ocean. I felt the salt air fly by me and it just felt so good. There was always someone next to me but they were a different person each time.

"I'm going to keep this and use it as a reference for my sixth-grade class next period. If that's okay with you?" Mr. Harris asked.

"Yeah, that's fine!" I nodded as I removed the Phoenix painting from the drying rack and set it on a different easel. I filled my palette, got my paintbrush, and started working on it.

Suddenly, I heard the door open again.

Brooks Anderson

Holly, Palma, and I entered Mr. Harris' art classroom like we did yesterday. Palma used the keys she most likely stole again, even though the door was already open. I had my same French braid outfit again as I looked around while drinking from my pink Stanley cup. I glanced around the art room and saw Acrylic painting her Phoenix painting again.

"What should we do?" I whispered to Palma and Holly.

"Well let's go and interrupt her, of course," Palma whispered to both of us. We walked to Acrylic. Holly bumped into Acrylic on purpose, like yesterday. Acrylic made another mistake in her painting.

"Will you stop doing that? You can just tell me you're here!" Acrylic grumbled through gritted teeth as she turned around to face us.

"Oh sorry, we keep doing that on accident" Holly shrugged while me and Palma snickered.

"Yeah totally, while I'm the only other person in this room when Mr. Harris is in the back of the classroom and you could see me" Acrylic rolled her eyes. Now that I thought about it, that did seem a bit illogical,

"Jeez, we're sorry," Palma said sarcastically. I looked away while drinking from my Stanley cup.

"Yeah, like you're actually sorry" Acrylic mumbles. I glanced at her.

"She is though..." I muttered.

"I can hear you, and I know she isn't" Acrylic glared at me. I was a bit taken aback.

"Okay, you cannot talk to my friend like that" I shot back at her.

"After you talk to me like that?" She hissed. I shut up, I didn't want to argue with her.

"Excuse me but first period's gonna start in a few minutes" Holly spoke up.

"Got it, let's head for it I guess" I shrugged.

"Yeah, and I'll meet up with Andrew" Palma sighed happily. I just gave her a strange look.

"Do you even know the guy-?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, he's my neighbor!" Palma told me.

"That makes things better!" Holly smiled. I nodded in response. I glanced at Acrylic as she kept painting.

Acrylic Williams

I glanced at Brooks when she glanced at me. I looked back at my painting. The gray and brown buildings complement the pink and red sky really well. I sighed softly as I looked back over to the trio. They started leaving the classroom while Palma was swooning over a guy. It was Andrew. But which Andrew?

I looked over at Mr. Harris. "I should get going..." I muttered.

"Makes sense, you don't wanna be late for your first-period class. See you later, Acrylic!" He smiled as I cleaned up my things. I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the art classroom.

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