Poems and Pettiness

12 1 5

Acrylic Williams

It was a few days later since I went to Brooks's house. I was in science class with Brooks and we were working on our project.

"Well we know neon's atomic number is ten, which means most numerical stats would be ten," I said while typing on my Chromebook.

"A what?" Brooks asked as she sat on her phone.

"Dude this is a review of sixth grade, maybe you should put down your dang phone and pay attention!"

"Don't call me dude!"


"That's better" She went back to scrolling on Instagram. I rolled my eyes as I went back to typing on the Chromebook. She let out a slight laugh.

"You're actually really short" Brooks pointed out after a few minutes.

"I'm not that short!" I grumbled. Brooks just laughed more. Mr. Davis noticed this and walked over to us.

"Hey girls, what are you laughing about?" He asked.

"Acrylic's so short!" Brooks giggled.

"I'm not THAT short! I'm just below five feet!" I complained.

"That is short, but Miss Anderson, don't laugh at people about their height. It could be because of a medical condition" Mr. Davis said before walking off.

"Wait you have a medical condition?" Brooks asked me.

"Not relating to height but I might have slight bipolar" I whispered.

"Oh a mental condition then" She mumbled before looking back at her phone. I snatched it from her hands

Brooks Anderson

"Get off your phone, dunghead!" Acrylic shouted. I glared at her.

"Fine" I whispered as I took out my Chromebook. Acrylic blinked, not expecting me to give up that easily. "So we gonna work on the project or..?"

"Uh yeah!" She blushed slightly and started typing again. I stared at her for a few seconds before going back to my paper.

I started writing about general stuff. Nothing relating to the project, just whatever I was feeling. I closed my eyes and let my pencil guide my hand to write.

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and looked at the paper. What I read made me feel shocked and embarrassed.

She looks so pretty when she hates me

The blush distracts me

If there was a flower in her hair

I don't know if I'd be able to stay back there

I'd have to go up to her

And kiss her without a word

I quickly started trying to erase it because why the hell would I write this?! I could feel my face heating up.

"Hey, Brooks- whatcha doing?" Acrylic piped up.

"N-Nothing!" I stammered.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me!" Acrylic started trying to grab the piece of paper from me.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted as I held the piece of paper to my chest. Acrylic grabbed the paper anyway and read it.

"Wait you like girls?" She whispered.

"Uh yes? No? Maybe..." I muttered as my face turned redder.

"Lemme get this straight, although you're not: THE Brooks Anderson, likes the female gender?" Acrylic said.

"Fine yes. Don't tell ANYONE." I grumbled.

"What about guys? You and your friends are always talking about them?" Acrylic asked.

"They're disgusting rats. I guess I'm gay" I said silently.

"Huh... Okay," Acrylic shrugged before getting back to work on her Chromebook. I blinked. I looked away and I felt my face cool down.

Acrylic Williams


She likes girls, so if I liked her, she might like me. What am I talking about?

I kept typing on my Chromebook. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. It was funny to me, the fact that Brooks liked girls. But she acted like that was the biggest secret she's ever told me. Her heart locket still exists.
After class ended, we packed up our things. I glanced at Brooks. She looked back at me.

"Your secret's safe with me" I whispered.

"Er, thanks" She whispered, obviously not used to the whole 'being-nice-to-me-after-bullying-me-ever-since-kindergarten' thing.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled before exiting the classroom to go to my locker.

When I was at my locker I put in the code and opened the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It turned me around. I was face-to-face with Holly and Palma.

"I can tell she told you something we don't know," Palma said. Oh crap.

"Not at all!" I claimed. I have to make sure they didn't know.

"No, tell us" Holly demanded.

"She didn't tell me ANYTHING!" I said loudly. Palma raised an eyebrow, not falling for that.

"Actually, Palma, let's go..." Holy whispered.

Palma glared at me before muttering "Fine." Then they both walked off. I sighed in relief while putting my things in my locker and taking out my backpack. I slung it around my shoulder and started walking towards the school exit.

When I got onto my bus I headed to my seat. No one said anything luckily, so I was met with relief. I sat down and leaned my backpack against the window. I sat down and leaned against my backpack. But I didn't take out my sketchbook this time, I just sat there thinking.

Brooks is a LOT nicer to me than before. Plus, she liked girls. The poem she wrote was beautiful, I didn't think she'd have a talent for poetry. But she probably prefers to be a TikTok influencer. She's really pretty on top of that. Her dark blonde hair and the way her bangs shape her face. Her sparkling blue eyes that'll give an ice glare. The way her voice has the soft Brooklyn accent which matches her name. I felt my face heat up at the thought of her

Wait, why am I thinking about all that? I blush easily over many things so I'm not concerned about that. But the way I described her in my mind was strange. I never described ANYONE like that.

Hold up...

Do I like Brooks in that way?

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