Flutes and Facts

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Acrylic Williams

You may be asking, why am I at Brooks' house and how the heck did I find her address? You'll figure it out soon because Brooks asked the same thing.

"What are you doing at my house and how did you find my address?" Brooks asked. Well, not exactly asked, more like shouting.

"Well I knew you played the flute so I got something for you, and also because you leaked your address online" I rolled my eyes. Brooks' mom with blonde hair looked over at Brooks.

"You cannot do that, delete the post when you can," She said to Brooks before turning back to me. "So you're Acrylic, right?"

"Yes, ma'am" I nodded.

"I'm Florence Anderson and this is Darla Anderson" Brooks' blonde-haired mom smiled while Brooks' other mom gave a small wave.

"Nice to meet you. My full name without my middle name is Acrylic Williams" I responded.

"Stop with the introductions, anyways, what did you get for me?" Brooks grumbled.

"I need your flute to show you" I pointed out.

"I'll get it" Brooks was about to leave the dining room when Darla stopped her.

"No honey, how about instead of just walking up without her, you show her around your room," Darla told Brooks.

"But we HATE each other!" Brooks whined. I rolled my eyes.

"If I did hate you that much I wouldn't have brought you something" I giggled softly. "I don't like you that much but we have to coexist with each other, so why not make you something as a peace offering?"

"Fine, come up" Brooks gestured for me to follow her. I stood up from my chair and walked behind her as she walked to the stairs and up her room while holding my bag.

Brooks Anderson

This isn't exciting in the least bit.

"Here's my room" I announced as Acrylic looked around. My room had soft pink walls and my bed had pink sheets with a tent-like thing on top of it. My dresser was on one side and my closet was on the other. My vanity was next to the closet and my desk was on the other side of my closet. Next to my dresser was my music stand with my flute case below it and music sheets on it. On the walls were various pictures of me, of course. I'm honestly surprised that this is a bedroom in an apartment.

"...Wow" Acrylic mumbled. "You have good taste in decor"

"I know" I nodded

"That was a compliment, you say thank you in response to compliments" Acrylic looked at me.

"But I know" I pointed out.

'Well, I'm not here to argue" Acrylic grumbled as she looked over at my flute case. "Mind if I-"

'Whatever, do your thing" I rolled my eyes. Acrylic walked over to the flute case and carefully took out my flute. "Is this gonna ruin it?"

"No, I've messed around with more delicate things, and I'm not ruining it," Acrylic told me. I sighed in relief. That was the last thing I wanted, my flute ruined by an idiot like her.

Acrylic Williams

I took out something from my bag. It was a case similar to Brooks' flute case. Because it was a flute case with a flute inside. I took out the flute from my case and then Brooks' flute. They were the same rose gold color but the one I brought had a pink flower painting on one of the ends. I painted that flower.

I put my painted one in Brooks' flute case and hid her actual one behind my back. I then shut the flute case.

"Okay Brooks, I'm finished. Look at your flute" I said, stepping aside from her case. Brooks ran over to her flute case and opened it.

"What did you do to my flute?!" Brooks shouted angrily. "It's no longer playable!"

"Chill, it's fine!" I laughed. I took her flute from behind my back and handed it to her. "Here's the real thing"

'So that was a pointless prank?" Brooks mumbled.

"Nah, it was a peace offering. You could use it as room decor if you wanted... or just throw it in the trash" I pointed out.

"True... Eh, I'm not sure" Brooks shrugged. She glanced at her trash can but held both flutes close to her chest. Suddenly Brooks' younger brother ran into the room. I think his name is Asher or something like that.

"Hey, snake!" He shouted.

"What, cockroach?" Brooks snapped in response.

"Ooh this is already interesting, I guess I'm a fox?" I mumbled to myself sarcastically. Why were they calling each other animals?

"My girlfriend broke up with me!" He whined. I just stared at him. Wasn't he nine or something?

"Since when did you have a girlfriend?" Brooks raised an eyebrow. I started trying to stifle my laughter.

"This is my third one," he said confidently. Was Brooks' brother a player or something? At nine?!

"Was" I corrected him, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Dude, you're in third grade" Brooks face-palmed herself.

"So? I fall in love easily" Asher remarked. I couldn't hold it, I started laughing hysterically in the background. They didn't catch me yet.

"Well don't!" Brooks glared at him.

"But it's my emotions, I cannot control them" Asher explained. I mean, he has a point. We're humans, we can't control our emotions.

"No you can now shut up and leave my room" Brooks groaned. She's obviously had enough of him.

"Bye, snake!" Asher shouted before running out of Brooks' bedroom.

"What's up with you calling each other snake and cockroach?" I asked after calming down.

"Don't worry about it" Brooks rolled her eyes. I nodded in response.

'I-I should head home" I said. But before I headed out of her room, Brooks stopped me.


"What?" I turned around.

"What instrument do you play?" She asked.

'Well, I play two. My main one is a guitar but I play a bass for school" I said. Brooks nodded before letting me leave. I walked out of her room and out of the apartment.

I looked around the busy streets of Brooklyn. I don't remember living in London very well because I was about three or four when we moved here, but I can tell it's different. I looked at the street lights and the busy traffic while I waited at my public bus stop. Brooklyn is a beautiful place. Not London, but still really beautiful.

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