Insults and Intervening

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Brooks Anderson

Later at science class, Acrylic slowly walked to my table.

"Come on loser! I don't smell, you know!" I shouted to her and everyone started laughing. Acrylic then shot her head up and ran to my table.

"What was that for?!" She hissed at me under her breath. I shrugged.

"You were taking too slow" I muttered to her.

"Okay so? Me being slow is better than a damn idiot" Acrylic mumbled to me and I glared at her.

"Hey, hey, calm down. No swearing in class!" Mr. Davis shouted at us.

"But that wasn't a-" Acrylic started.

"Don't care, didn't ask," Mr Davis told us. "Anyways, just continue on your assignment"

I took out my Chromebook and pulled up a Google document. We started researching and typing. Acrylic was writing as fast as two words per second. After a few minutes, Acrylic looked over at my Chromebook. I didn't type anything in there since I wasn't sure what sites to look on.

"Where's the text?" Acrylic asked.

"There's none, stupid" I muttered. Acrylic rolled her eyes.

"Oh wow. Now I remember when we were fetuses and in line for brains, you were in the one for arrogance!" Acrylic whispered to me.

"Oh- you will pay for that!" I glared at her.

"Yeah, sure. Five bucks, ten, fifteen? Maybe a hundred?" Acrylic asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up!" I shouted quietly at her.

"You shut up!" Acrylic shouted at me, using the same tone of voice.

Acrylic Williams

"I'm not shutting my mouth for some jerk who paints places she's never gonna go to!" Brooks yelled at me. Still quietly, but a bit louder.

"At least I'm not insulting other people about their pipe holes!" I snapped.

"Oh really? I can see why you're planning to move to a desert!" Brooks yelled at me.
"I can't see why everyone worships you like a goddess!" I shouted at her.

"Alright, please calm down!" Mr. Davis raised his voice. Acrylic and I turned our heads around in a snap.

"Fine" I mumbled as we returned to working on our project.

I slowly looked over at her Chromebook. She was looking through pictures of Taylor Swift instead of doing research. "Wow, you like Taylor Swift too?" I asked.

"No, I don't! Stop assuming!" Brooks hissed softly.

"Then why are you looking at pictures of her?" I asked.

"Ugh because she's 'trending' and I have to keep up with the trends" Brooks mumbled.

"You said you don't like her though..."

"Just because I'm keeping up with the trends doesn't mean I like her!"

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!"

We glared at each other and then got back to our notes. Or at least I did, she probably didn't.

"Hey, 'Crylic," Brooks said to me.

"Why are you calling me that?" I asked.

"Because I can, duh" She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, guess I can call you Crooks," I shrugged. She gritted her teeth.

"No one gets to call me that." She muttered. I smirked at her reaction. Finally, something that annoys her.

I went back to typing on my Chromebook while trying to ignore Brooks' presence next to me. But her constant fidgeting made it impossible to focus. I looked up at her and saw her tapping her foot on the ground, her eyes glued to her phone. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.

"What's so interesting on your phone?" I asked, trying to annoy her more.

"Nothing," she muttered, not looking up from her screen. I raised my eyebrows.

"Really? Nothing?" I asked.

She sighed, putting her phone down on the table.

"It's just Instagram. I was checking my followers." She said quietly. I couldn't help but laugh at her response.

"Seriously? You care that much about your followers?" I giggled softly.

"It's not about the followers, it's about the likes." Brooks scowled. I shook my head, that doesn't make sense.

"You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You care more about your social media presence than anything else, plus we're not supposed to have our phones in class,"

"That's not true!"

"Really? Because every time I see you, you're either taking selfies or scrolling through your feed,"

"And every time I see you, you're drawing something stupid!"

I started to clench my fists.

Brooks Anderson

Apparently, I made the baby mad.

"At least they take time and effort, meanwhile you just tap something. Your finger must be the only strong muscle in your body" Acrylic raised her voice at me.

"I have guys chasing me just because I take pictures, not because I spend my free time painting places I haven't ever seen!" I shouted. Of course, I didn't want guys chasing me, but I thought that was a smart comeback in this argument.

"My paintings are way more descriptive and I make art so I can get into a good college, while you just waste your time taking pictures that aren't even for a stupid f-" Acrylic was about to say until Mr. Davis spoke up.

"Enough, girls!" He said loudly. We quickly snapped our heads towards him.

"What?!" We hissed at the same time.

"No arguing and since this has happened a few times today..." He then wrote on something but we couldn't see what they were since the stuff on his table blocked it. Mr. Davis then stood up and went to us. He put down two pink slips in front of us. Acrylic and I quickly glanced at each other. We messed up.

"You guys get detention."

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