Airplanes and Accidents

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Brooks Anderson

I paced my bedroom, feeling conflicted. Did I like Acrylic? Was it just one of those sparks that goes away quickly? I'm not sure. I then flopped onto my bed and watched the ceiling. Of course, it was just plain and the only thing on it was the ceiling fan. It was relaxing just to watch it spin.

I pretended airplanes flew across the ceiling because I often thought airplanes were like shooting stars, but better.

I got up and walked to my balcony. I sat down on one of the chairs and sighed. Just then, I saw an airplane fly across the sky. I smiled, I did need a wish right now.

It was a beautiful white plane with blue tips on the wings and tail. I could see the lights on it from here. I loved planes. The look of them, traveling on them, everything.

I closed my eyes and made a wish to the airplane.

I wish that I knew if I liked her or not.

Acrylic Williams

I was in my room, working on homework and listening to All Time Low in my headphones.

Suddenly my mom came into my room unannounced.

"Mom! Can you KNOCK?! I asked you a million times! Plus I'm busy with my homework, it's my room" I shouted out of frustration.

"It's my house, I can go wherever I want," She said before sitting on my bed.

"That's a serious breach of privacy" I grumbled.

"Anyways, we need to talk," She said with a stern face. Panic shot through me.

"Uh yeah sure, about what?" I asked while laughing nervously.

"I don't want you hanging out with that Brooks kid anymore." She announced. My eyes immediately widened.

"Why?!" I shouted.

"She's a bad influence, plus didn't she bully you one time?" My mom said.

"We made up, we're more mature now, we get along well!" I defended.

"THIS is NOT mature behavior" She raised her voice slightly.

"But we HAVE to hang out around each other because we're science partners!" I said.

"Tell the teacher to switch you," My mom said while folding her arms.

"I can't, plus she's becoming better and nicer to me" I whispered.

"No, she's just hiding it to manipulate you, she's an awful influence. Stop hanging out with her." Mom told me.

"I WON'T!" I shouted.

"YOU WILL, IT'S MY RULES" She raised her voice even more.

"NO! I REALLY LIKE HER!" I shouted as I forced her out of my room. But I froze.

I wasn't thinking about what I said.

Did I actually say that I liked Brooks? Really liked her?

I felt my face heat up greatly. I sat down at my desk and put my arms on it as I buried my head into them.

'What did I just do..." I whispered to myself. I just messed up. Bad.

I heard a knock on my door and I shot up. But it's a different kind of knock, it's one time and then a stomp. Thats Edmund.

"Speak friend and enter!" I shouted. Edmund then opened the door and walked over to me.

"Mellon" He smirked.

"M'kay, what do you want" I asked.

"Well, when I was coming up to my room I heard Mom mumbling about 'that girl likes her bully' or something like that while in front of your door so when she left I decided to pay you a visit" Edmund shrugged. I felt my face heat up again.

"Uh yeah. Well, I-I don't have a bully anymore" I stammered.

"Lemme guess, Brooks. You have a crush on Brooks?" Edmund asked, even though he knew the answer.

"No.... Fine yes" I muttered while folding my arms.

"Aww that's cute" He chuckled.

"Okay I don't know what to do, so help me" I pleaded.

"Tell her how you feel"

"Yeah, do it!"


"It'll make life easier for you!"


"Just do it"

"Fine maybe sometimes I will"

"Good" He laughed. I grumbled while working on my homework. I could hear him leave my room and shut the door.

"That nerd..." I muttered

Brooks Anderson

I looked up at the plane and felt a new sense of warmness in my chest. I liked that feeling, to be honest.

Suddenly my moment was interrupted by Asher running onto the balcony.

"Brooks! Brooks!" Asher shouted. I stood up from my chair and turned towards him.

"What?" I asked.

"I found a poem in your backpack!" He said. I froze in panic, I KNEW which one he was talking about.

"Lemme read it" Asher held up the paper and cleared his throat.

"She looks so pretty when she hates me

The blush distracts me

If there was a flower in her hair

I don't know if I'd be able to stay back there

I'd have to go up to her

And kiss her without a word"

I blushed more with each line he read.

"Who's your crush?" Asher asked in a sing-song voice.

"No one!" I shouted before forcing him back into my room and out the door. I walked into my room and sat down in front of my vanity. I looked at myself in the mirror for a second before putting my head in my hands.

Yep, I liked her—more than friends.

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