Last day

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~night before the last day of school~

Maleficent POV.

*knock! Knock! Knock*

"Who the fuck is up this late!?" I thought as I was rudely awaken by some banging on my door. "Fuck off!" I yelled. I know it wants hades or anyone from our group cause they just walk right in and make themselves home.

*knock! Knock! Knock*

"Okay okay!!" I screamed, getting up and opening the door to see Bridget standing there. "Hi!" She smiled brightly.

"You're either fucking stupid or just have a death wish." I snarled at her.

"No I'm actually really smart; I have all A's and I don't really have a death wi—"

"Do you ever shut up!?"

Bridget shut up and looked a bit shocked and hurt that I would yell at her. "What do you want princess?"

"Oh right! So I heard that fairys usually have a stash of weird things and since your a fairy, and are also know for curses and other things that would require weird ingredients—"

"Bitch get to the point before I turn you into a rat!"

"Do you have unicorn blood?" She asked quickly.

I kinda just stared at her for a second, not sure if I heard her right. "What?" I asked.

"Do you have unicorn blood?" She repeated.

"Why do you need unicorns blood?"

"Cause I'm making cupcakes for the fair tomorrow and I wanted to make sure everyone had plenty of energy for tomorrow, and I heard that unicorns blood can give people energy." She explained. I had to admit, that's not an awful reason.

"Say I do have unicorns blood, that stuff is extremely hard to come by. Why should I give it to you?"

She thought for a second than pulled out a wad of cash out of her pocket. "I'll give 700$ dollars for it."

"That'll working." I snatched the money out of her hand and went over to my cabinet to start digging the blood out. "Ha! Found it." I went to hand the vial than stopped, "you do know how to use this correct?" I asked.


"Okay then, how?"

"Use very little of it per batch cause it's very strong!"

"Good girl." I handed the vial to her. "Now get!"

Bridget thanked me and ran out of the room, presumably to make cupcakes.

~last day of school~

"Welcome students!!" Merlin called out, standing in front of the fairs entrance. "I know you are all quite excited for the festivities and for school to be out, but I still have a few rules!"

The was a collective groan amongst the VK's as they all knew the rules were aimed at them. "First off," Merlin started, "keep the pranks and spells to a minimum! We don't need anyone getting turned into a frog, again😑."

Facilia smirked remembering the people he turned into frogs the year before. "Worth it!" He called out, gaining some laughs from his fellow villains. Merlin sighed before continuing. "Secondly, try and keep the cussing to a minimum. Or at the very least PG-13 territory. There are kids here."

"So we can basically cuss all we want but we can only say fuck once?" Hook asked teasingly.


"Y'all heard him!" Hook yelled, "who wants to start betting on who's gonna say f..that word first!?"

"No no wait—!"

"I got money on Gaston!" One person yelled from the back.

"My moneys on Hades!"

"Oh mines on Cruella!"

"STUDENTS!!" Merlin yelled. "You may continue your betting pool after I've finished speaking okay? Thank you. Now where was I, oh right! There are alcoholic beverages but they are for the adults, and they will ID everyone so no trying to get drunk."

"Why tell us about it if we can't drink anything?" Maleficent whispered to hades.

"No idea lotus flower."

"And no scaring the children or stealing!!" Merlin yelled, glaring at all the VKs. "With all that out of the way, you may all enjoy the fair!" Merlin stepped to the side as all the students ran inside. The VK's hung back to continue with their betting pool. Morgi found a small box and started passing it around to everyone. "Last one to say the f word wins all the money in the box!"

"What happens to the first person out?" One of the Villians asked. Everyone kinda thought for a second before hades spoke up. "First person to say it has to walk around the entire school dress up in a bright pink fairy princess costume and makeup." Everyone visibly cringed at the thought of having to wear something that ridiculous.

"Make it worse by making them carry a sign that says "I said a naughty word" like they're a child." Morgi added.

"It's on!" Everyone yelled, ceiling their fate.

"Oh! And saying the f word in a different language counts as saying it." Uliana said looking straight at Hades and Facilia knowing they both have a habit of cussing in Greek and French. Collectively there was about 2,000 dollars in the box (no idea how) from what the VKs put in it. "Hey, how do we know no one's gonna steal it?" Gaston asked; he'd probably be the one to steal it.

"Mal, do your thing." Morgi closed the box and handed it to Maleficent. She waved her hands a black thorns wrapped around the box, and a magic ceal appeared on it. "It'll only open after the fair is over and is placed in front of the winner." She handed it back to Morgi. "Oh! One more thing!" Morgi turned and whispered something to Maleficent and Uliana. They both looked at him like he was nuts, which he was, but still thought his idea would be funny. "Go nuts, Fae girl." Uliana said waving her off. Maleficent held her hand out, black and green smoke appearing and swarming around the VK's. The smoke cleared and left behind a very confused group of villains.

"The f—heck was that?" Hook asked.

"So we know no one will lie or cheat, whoever says that word first, the punishment will automatically appear on them." Maleficent explained. "So good luck."

"Alright Villains!" Uliana yelled, "may the best man win!"

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