Chapter 10 - Prince Aemond, son of the Rogue Prince

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A year later.

Daena realizes she is with child again a month before Daemon 23rd name day. She has the maester examine her while Daemon is busy with the twins.
"Another son, I believe, princess", the maester says.
"That is wonderful news, the prince, my husband, will be overjoyed when I tell him", Daena says.
"If I may advise you, princess, that you wait to tell prince Daemon for another moons turn, by then we will know for certain if you are in fact expecting another child, and whether it's a son or daughter", the maester says.
"Then I'll do so, maester, if you find that to be best", Daena says.
"I do find that to be for the best", the maester says.

In another moons turn, Daena tells Daemon of the pregnancy and the new baby. She tells him while they are lying in their bed after their gentle lovemaking, her head on his chest.
"Daemon, I have some glad tidings to tell you", Daena says.
"Oh? What's that?" Daemon asks curiously.
"We are having another son, in seven months", Daena says.
"That's wonderful news, my love", Daemon says with a sweet smile.
"What do you think we should name him?" Daena asks.
"We have seven months to decide that, my love, but if we were to discuss it, and if we are certain that you're carrying another boy, then how about Aemond?" Daemon asks.
"I like that, it is fitting for a Targaryen boy", Daena says.

Seven months later, while Daemon and Daena are out flying around the castle on Caraxes, Daena feels her birthing pains coming on and signals for Daemon to have Caraxes land.

Daemon understands and has his dragon land in the dragon pit, unbuckling Daena and himself from the red beast's saddle. When Caraxes has landed and his riders have gotten off of him, Daemon lifts Daena up his arms, tells the dragon keepers to care for his dragon, and carries his lady wife in to the castle.
"Daemon, hurry, the child is coming", Daena sighs with pain and hides her face against his chest.

Daemon rushes through the castle, in to their rooms, having the servants summoning the maester, the earth mother and some helping women. They arrive quickly and get to work.

Daena labors for six hours until a silver haired blue eyed boy is born, Daemon smiles when he sees the beautiful boy being laid at Daena's aching breasts and turns to the maester.
"Have ravens sent out to tell the realm about the birth our second son", Daemon says. "His name is Aemond Targaryen."
"Yes, my prince", the maester says, starting to write the letter.
"A son was born to us this day, a silver haired blue eyed beauty that we have decided to name our son prince Aemond Targaryen, son of the Rogue Prince, prince Daemon Targaryen and princess Daena of houses Stark and Targaryen/prince Daemon Targaryen, lord and master of Dragonstone"

The maester writes the letters and send them off with some of the castle's swiftest birds. Daemon takes his clothes off, down to his silken small clothes and lays down on the daybed and holds his wife and son to him, Daena against one side of his chest and the little prince on the other side.

When the prince is three days old, his hatchling is born, a creme colored male dragon with light blue markings named Stormcloud.
"He will possibly be large enough to fly when our little prince is grown up enough to claim him, when he's about five or six", Daemon says with a sweet smile, seeing his baby son with his hatchling.
"That seems about right, if his dragon is large enough by then", Daena says.

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