Chapter 14 - Lucerys, Joffrey and Visenya

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Two years later, Rhaenyra is heavy with child, she walks around her apartments with help from Laenor. In another part of the castle, her mother the queen is also going into labor.

King Viserys is nervously awaiting the arrival of the new prince or princess of the seven kingdoms as well as his new granddaughter or grandson.

Rhaenyra labors for close to 12 hours before twin boys are born to her and Laenor.
"Lucerys and...", Laenor says.
"Joffrey", Rhaenyra says from the birthing bed.
"Joffrey", Laenor agrees.

In the royal apartments, queen Aemma goes into labor just as the news of the new grandsons have been brought to her and the king. A girl child is born to the king and queen when the new princes are only four hours old.
"Visenya", Viserys says with a smile.

The next day, ravens fly to all places of the realm to tell of the glad tidings, that two princes have been born to princess Rhaenyra and the prince consort, and that another princess has been born to king Viserys and queen Aemma.

At Dragonstone, Daemon and Daena get the news from the capital while they are sitting with their children in the great hall.
"The king and queen have a welcomed a new princess, and princess Rhaenyra and her husband have welcomed twins princes", Daemon says.
"Does that mean that you are the heir to the Iron Throne, or is princess Rhaenyra the heir?" Daena asks.
"I suppose that I'm still the heir, but the queen is still young enough to give my brother a male heir, but until that happens, I suppose that I'm the heir to the Iron Throne", Daemon says with a wicked smile.

The same time a year later queen Aemma gives birth to the long awaited son and heir that she and king Viserys decide to name the boy Jacaerys the Younger.

Rhaenyra and Laenor get word of the prince's birth while they are sitting with their own children. The news of the prince's birth reaches Dragonstone the next day, when Daemon is told of the news from the capital, he slaps the messenger across the face, hard, making him stumble backwards.
"What news?" Daena asks, seeing her husband's grim look.
"She gave him a brother has a son", Daemon says grimly.
"There's no way he will make a newborn the heir", Daena says calmly.

Daemon turns to a servant.
"Tell our children to be prepared to leave for King's Landing within the next three hours", Daemon says. "The children's dragons are large enough to bear them all the way."
"Yes, my prince", the servant says, going to tell the children to be ready to fly within the next three hours.

Within three hours, five dragons take flight from Dragonstone, beneath them on the ground, horses with wagons follow. Daemon's Caraxes take the lead, followed by Daena's Winter, Aemond's Stormcloud, Jaehaera's Stormdancer and Jaehaerys's Quicksilver.

The children's young drakes follow the old battle tested beast of their father, flying in the direction of the capital. All five dragons land in the dragon pit, Caraxes snaps at any of the other dragons trying to near his mate or their young.

Daena watches him for a bit before the five riders leave the dragon pit, she sees so much of Caraxes in Daemon and so much of Daemon in Caraxes, the rider and the beast are as one.

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