Chapter 8 - first flight of the dragon twins

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When the twins of Dragonstone are six years old, they see that their dragons are finally large enough to be ridden. Daena and Daemon have the servants help the twins to dress while they dress themselves in comfortable clothes to fly in.
"Are you ready to go flying, Jaehaera?" Daena asks her daughter.
"I am, mother", Jaehaera says happily. "I'm so excited to go flying."
"Have you been training your dragons properly?" Daemon asks.
"We have, father", Jaehaerys says.
"Good", Daemon says. "Come on then."

The foursome go out to the Dragonpit where their four dragons are waiting. Jaehaerys approaches his father's large slim red dragon Caraxes but Daemon catches up to him right as he's about to attempt to mount the large red beast.
"Oh no no no, young man, he's mine, he might be dangerous for you to attempt to mount, I've tamed him so he listens to me, but I can't promise he will listen to you", Daemon says, getting his son away from Caraxes and straps him into Quicksilver's saddle and waits while Daena straps Jaehaera into Stormdancer's saddle.

When the children are strapped in safely, Daemon and Daena mount their own dragons.
"Alright, everybody ready?" Daemon asks, loudly giving Caraxes the command to take flight. "Sōvēs, Caraxes."
"Sōvēs, Quicksilver", Jaehaerys commands his young dragon.
"Sōvēs, Stormdancer", Jaehaera commands her young dragon.
"Sōvēs, Winter", Daena commands her dragon.

When all four dragons are in the air, Daemon and Caraxes take the lead, after him Quicksilver and Stormdancer follow, Daena and Winter bring up the rear. They fly three times around the castle before landing in the Dragonpit.

Daemon unbuckles himself from the saddle and gets off Caraxes, walking over to his children's dragons and helps them out of the saddles and off of their mounts. Daena unbuckles herself from her own saddle and gets off Winter.

Jaehaerys and Jaehaera call for the their dragons and the two young dragons fly back to them, wearing heavy collars and chains. The children take the chains in hands and have their dragons land on their shoulders, coiling their bodies over their master and mistress's shoulders, head on one shoulder and tail on the other.
"I carried Caraxes like that when he was but a hatchlings", Daemon says.
"I thought you inherited him fully grown from your uncle when you were 16, my love", Daena says.
"I did, but before that, before he was really mine, I got to carry him the way our children carries their young dragons", Daemon says.
"How did you dare to do that? As fierce as he is he would have roasted you alive, so how did you dare to do that?" Daena asks.
"I was equally fierce, I still am, if you haven't noticed", Daemon says with a smirk.
"I have noticed, my love", Daena says, returning his smirk.

That evening, the children are still buzzing with excitement after their first flight on their dragons. They eventually settle down and drift off to sleep, with dreams of dragons buzzing in their heads.

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