6. Facing The Truth.

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Birthday special update 🙈💖

Nandini's POV

"Dad?" I called out as a question.

"Nandini my daughter" He was handcuffed. He hugged me tightly but I was too shocked to react. "How are you Nandini? What are you doing here?"

"I... You... You are alive?" I asked.

"Yes Nandini I'm alive. I'm not dead But why are you here? Where is your mom? How is she?" He asked.

"Mom is fine for now but she doesn't know you are alive"

"I know everyone thinks I am dead but-"

"Time over we have to go" The constable said.

"Tell your mom I'm not dead tell her to come and meet me" He shouted and they took him inside the room.

I saw Cabir standing at a corner talking on a phone. I went near him and waited for him to cut the call. As he turned around he saw me.

"Now what?" He asked.

"Come with me" I guess he hasn't seen dad. As we came out of the station I sat on the bench while he too sat besides me.

"Now what do you want to talk about?"

"The same thing I have been asking you" I said and he sighed.

"Nandini Can't you cut this off?"

"No I can't because I just saw my dad inside" I said.


"Yes My Dad now you can't lie to me because I won't believe"

"I don't know anything about it" He got up to leave but I held his hand.

"Cabir, why aren't you helping me? What do you think why Am I trying to find the truth? It's not for me it's for Manik if... If he never killed anyone then he is getting the punishment without any reason"

"He don't need your help"

"I know he don't but for now only I can help him because I was the one to complain"

"Nandini let it be stop interfering in our business you already have done a lot-"

"Why don't you want to help him? Why you want your friend to get the punishment without any sin that too for years? Cabir please I request you. I know you don't trust me but please try to, I swear I will leave after helping him" I said and he sighed.

"Fine" I smiled. "Come with me" We got up and sat inside his car.

After a while we stopped in front of a house. Opening the door he gave me a way in. "Sit" He left towards the kitchen. "Here" He said giving me a glass of juice. "So tell me what do you want to know?"

"Everything, everything about him which only you know"

"Fine, you were right he never killed anyone. He use a rubber bullet with a poison on it. It makes the person unconscious on the spot."

"And what about That blood?"

"Blood bags so that when they wake up and see themselves full of blood so they get scare at least for sometime"

"But why, he could've complaint and let the police, court do their works"

"You think they will? You saw Aaryaman which means he is out of the jail even when he got 2 years of punishment, why? Because his father is rich, your father is rich too. But Now I'm sure Aaryaman won't ever repeat his mistakes" He said.

"Ayza?" I asked.

"She is fine"

"Where is she?"

"With her father, his dad wanted her back after Zeynap's death but as she was attached to you Manik didn't allowed"

"What about my dad what he did?"

"You shouldn't know"

"I want to know Cabir please tell me"

"He killed Manik's parents" I was shocked.

"Wh... What?"

"Yes He killed them both for some silly business issues and I am sorry to tell but your dad had a bad eye on Manik's mom but as she showed him his place he got angry and wanted to take revenge" I couldn't believe.

"I can't believe my... I know he is a bad temper, he can do anything for what he wants but killing someone-"

"Manik wanted to take revenge by killing him too but... He knew he is your dad so he dropped the plan and sent him to the jail"

"Anything else?" He stayed quite for a while.

"Just for you to know that Manik was keeping you in his house because you weren't save outside"

"What but why?"

"Your dad hired some goons to find you and Aaryaman and kill on the spot. When Manik kidnapped you both he didn't knew you are Murtiy's daughter but later he find out and that was the reason he wanted you to live there because you were save with him." I was crying by now.

"It was all my fault. He was protecting me and I..."

"Now you know the truth. I have nothing else to tell you. You can leave" I got up and left the house.

I was crying. I called dad for help when he kidnapped me. Why I always trusted on wrong person? First Aaryaman then Dad, How stupid I'm?

I wasn't ready for this I was not. This truth is hurtful. My own dad wanted to kill me. What will I tell mom? Why is dad inside the prison because he killed someone?

I came back home and dialed mom's number. She needs to know the truth. "Hello Nandini?"


"What happened why are you crying? Is everything okay?" She panicked.

"No Mom I'm arranging the tickets for you please come here"

"But what happened at least tell me something?"

"Dad is Alive" I said.

"What? Nandini have you lost it? What are you saying?"

"I'm telling you the truth I saw him today, he is alive"

"Book my ticket I'm packing my bags" She said.


I lay down thinking about everything happened today. I still can't believe Cabir's words but I know he isn't lying. Manik was always trying to save me and I... I accused him for so many things. Why wasn't I able to see the truth? He was actually taking care of me but I was so engrossed with my anger and hatred to see. I took wrong steps and now I am left with nothing but regret.

Alina ❤

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