11. Care?

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Nandini's Pov

"Are you real?" He asked getting up. I looked down taking a deep breathe.

"Ye... Yes" I said.

"Nandini what is your problem why are you following me everywhere I go? Why don't you fucking leave me alone?" He shouted on top of his voice.

"I don't know" I said.

"What?" I looked at him. I don't know why but I hugged him. Some emotions were hovering over my head.

"Nandini what are you doing, leave me?" He tried to push me back but I tightened my grip. "Nandini leave me" He said again.

"Please forgive me Manik" I was crying. I don't know what is happening to me but I'm not okay. I want him to forgive me maybe then I will get peace.

"I asked you before too, for what reason are you asking for forgiveness?" I was still hugging him.

"For Everything I did to you"

"But you also accused me for the things I never did to you what about that?" I looked at me.

"You know, maybe I could have forgiven you for everything you did to me but I can't forgive you for making me a rapist"

"I know I was wrong Manik and trust me I regret it every second"

"It cannot change anything Nandini, your regret cannot change anything. I can't trust you anymore. I can't trust anything you say to me. I felt ashamed of myself for touching you when I heard about this accuse in court. I felt like the world has been snatched beneath my feet." He said moving away.


"You have hurt me in a way that it can't be repaired again. You made me a... A rapist of you... You the girl I... Whatever, if you are done with your apologies then leave me alone" I wiped my tears. He won't forgive me.

"I'm going then" I said but there was no reply. I moved towards the door and looked at him for the last time.

Coming out I searched for my phone to book a cab but my phone wasn't in my bag. "Fuck I left it on the table. What am I suppose to do now? The weather is also bad, it will start raining any moment." I looked back towards the house. "Should I ask for a ride? But I know he won't help me" Taking a deep breathe I knocked the door again. He opened the door after a moment and sighed.

"Now what?" He asked totally irritated.

"Uhm... I forget my phone in the hotel, can I have your phone?" I asked.

"I don't have phone with me"

"Oh... So can you give me a ride to... The city-"

"No I won't, help yourself on your own" He closed the door on my face.

It started to rain and I moved away on a corner. I was all wet within seconds. I stood there on a stone waiting for a lift in vain because there is no vehicle on this road. I hugged myself and sneezed few times as I was feeling cold.

"Come inside" I turned around listening his voice. He was standing near me, I got up.

"No I'm fine here" I said but I was shivering.

"Look at you, I don't want you to die in front of my house so yeah come inside" He said holding my arm.

I didn't argued and followed him. Coming inside the house he lighten the firewood while I was standing on a corner. He went inside a room while I too followed him. He took out some clothes from the wardrobe putting them on the bed.

"I don't have girls clothes, take this a trouser and a shirt it will fit you so wear it." I nodded.

He took off his shirt throwing it in a clothes basket while I was looking at him. He wears another shirt and taking his pant he went towards the bathroom.

I stood there for a while waiting for him to come out and leave the room. "Why are you still wearing this dress?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Uhm... I was waiting for you to go out" He chuckled.

"Don't worry I won't RAPE you" He said. God Why is he taunting me all of the time?

He closed the door behind him leaving the room and I changed my dress. I came out and looked at him. He was sitting on a couch.

"You go and sleep in your room I will sit here on the couch." He opened his eyes.

"I didn't offered you to sleep in my room anyways" He said getting up.

"I know"

"I don't wanna see your face in the morning so yeah leave the house before I get up" He said and left from there.

I sat on the couch, the photo wasn't on the table anymore. I sighed and lay down as I was sleepy.


Around 5 am Manik came out of the room listening to her continuous coughs. He came near her to wake her up but stopped realizing she was having high fever.

"Damn it" He went towards the kitchen. Taking a bowl filling it with water and ice and a piece of cloth he came out, sat near her. He put cold water bands on her head. She was shivering too bad. He covered her with a duvet.

"Nandini" He called her but she didn't responded instead she held his hand. He kissed her forehead for a long time relaxing himself.

In the morning I slowly opened my eyes, My head was hurting and I was feeling weak. I looked around and my eyes fallen on him. He was sitting on a floor with head on the pillow. I looked behind him at the table to see a bowl of water and a piece of cloth. A smile appeared on my face.

I caressed his face with my finger lightly, curling his haris with a smile plastered on my face. He opened his eyes due to the disturbance, he looked at me rubbing his eyes.

"You were taking care of me whole night?" I asked with a smile.

Alina ❤️

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