8. Innocent and Free

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Nandini's Pov

Abhimanyu finally agreed to help me. As he explained his POV Mukti forgave him. He used his sources and called those people who can help us. Some of them are still in Jail.

He talked to the high court and appealed to reopen Manik's case and let those people also come there.

Manik still doesn't know anything as I requested Cabir and Mukti to not tell not even to Alya and Dhruv because Alya hates me she Will definitely tell Manik and Dhruv always supports her.

We are sitting in the court. Aaryaman, dad, Mr. Khurrana and many other people are sitting there. Alya and Dhruv are sitting on a corner. They haven't yet see me because I came after them and I'm sitting on the last seat.

A while later Manik entered inside with handcuffs and constables behind him.

He saw me and was going to say something but constable stopped him.

"You can't talk to anyone here" He said. Manik sighed and left towards the front area.

The Judge entered inside and we all stood up. The case started and Abhimanyu start explaining the things showing the witnesses. He was standing in the witness stand. He was glancing at me every after few minutes but with anger and hatred.

"I want your permission to call Miss Nandini Murtiy here because she was the one who complained about this matter and she have some things to clear" He said. He know my real name now.

"Permission granted" I went to the other witness stand. I looked at him but he looks down.

"What this bitch is doing here?" I heard Alya's voice.

"I swear whatever I will say will be the truth and no lie" I said keeping my hand on a book.

"So Miss Nandini, you given the proofs about Manik Malhotra. You witnessed everything with your own eyes and also there was a complain from your side that he forced you, do you have anything to say about this?" The judge asked.

"Whatever I witnessed wasn't a lie. It was what I saw sith my own eyes but... Then I saw the dead people alive and I start finding the truth. It was when I found everything. He never killed anyone as Mr. Abhimanyu said he used to scare them so that they can surrender themselves... And about him forcing me..." I stopped as he looked at me again this time his face expressions were something else. "He never forced me"

"But there is a video which clearly shows he did"

"It was an edit"

"Why did you do that? Making such video of your own?"

"I was angry on him because.... I... I gave Mr. Abhimanyu the original video which clearly shows he has not Done anything wrong"

"Yes Sir I have the video... Here it is" The judge start watching the video on a tablet.

I looked at him again, he was already looking at me with a weird kind of expression. As like he wanted to say something but don't want to say it.

"So you don't have any kind of complain against him?" The judge asked as he was done watching the video.

"No I don't"

"As listening to the witnesses and seeing the proofs it is clear that Manik Malhotra is not to be blamed for anything, his way was wrong but his intentions were not so the court is declaring him innocent and set him free" He stopped. I smiled but he wasn't happy at all. "But... As Mr. Manik Malhotra were accused by Miss Nandini Murtiy so as According to Section 193 of the IPC, the court punishes Miss Nandini Murtiy up to seven years in prison and a fine. An additional three years and a fine would be added for the false evidence." I was shocked but I knew it could have happened.

"But Mr. Judge I don't want to complain against her. She accused me but I don't want her to be punished" Manik said all of a sudden.

"Are you sure Mr. Malhotra?" She looked towards me.

"Yes I'm."

"Ok As Mr. Malhotra has nothing to complain the court set Miss Nandini free as well. The case is disclose" He broken the pen and got up to leave.

His friends start hugging him one after one while I was standing on a corner looking at them.

"So you finally did it" Abhimanyu said from behind.

"Yes and it happened because of you Thank you so much Abhimanyu"

"I didn't do it for you. It was for Mukti" I smiled.

"You really love each other, no?"

"So much"

"May this love remains forever"

"It will. What about you?"


"Do you love him?"

"Love who?"


"What no I don't"

"But the way you look at him says something else"

"It's not love Abhimanyu... It's guilt"


"But what about him I guess he doesn't have any guilt then what about his looks?"

"It's full of hatred. After what I did to him he hates me and I Know he will never forgive me"

"Nandini" I turned around.

It was Mukti, she hugged me with a smile. "Thank you so much"

"Thank you for what?"

"For doing all this. You could've been punished but you still helped him"

"Because it was my fault not his. IT WAS ME who did wrong" She smiled.

"But we still Thank you Nandini" Cabir said coming forward. "We were trying to convince him to let us tell the truth but he always denied but your plan of not telling him actually worked. He wasn't aware why he was here and see now he is free" He said and I smiled.

"Well I had to do it"

"Cabir, Mukti are you guys coming or you wanna stay with her?" He said aloud with anger in his tone. I sighed.

Saying bye to me they left but I don't know why a sudden urge to talk to him appeared inside me and I ran behind them. They all were sitting in the car but Manik wasn't there. I saw him talking to one of the constable.

I went near him and held his arm pulling him on a corner where no one can see us especially his friends.

Alina ❤️

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