3. Going Back To Mumbai.

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Nandini's POV

In the morning after eating my breakfast I came back to my room to escape. I picked up my bag and went towards the window but I heard mom's voice.

"Where do you think you are running?" She asked. I sighed and turned around.

"Mom I..."

"Didn't I tell you not to do these things? Why don't you understand me Nandini?"

"Mom I know but... Trust me I have to go I can't be here. I need some answers so please mom let me go. I promise I will be save" I tried to explain.

"Nandini don't drive me crazy I'm warning you"

"Mom I will go you can't stop me" I said and was leaving the room but her voice stopped me again.

"Okay go and remember that I'm no one to you" She said. I know her this is her way to blackmail me. I looked at her for the last time before leaving the house.


As soon as I reached Mumbai I went to a nearby hotel. I have to find out where he is In which jail and for that I have to find out that Abhimanyu who helped me. I don't know if he is still working in same place or not.

What was that Theatre name? Oh god I don't even remember that Theatre's name. I should have read it. Mumbai is a big city there must be so many theatre around how am I suppose to find out? I don't even know this city much.

Think Nandini think when you came back from police station what address you gave to the taxi driver? I closed my eyes trying my best to remind myself but nothing was getting in my mind. Oh wait I actually remember the Jail name I guess. Let me Google.

Taking out my phone from the bag I searched for XYZ Police Station and here I got 3 jails of same name. As I zoomed in I start looking for the theatre nearby and Finally I got. It's showing 25 minutes away. Taking a quick shower, changing my dress I left the room.

Booking the taxi I reached the location. It was the same station. I sighed and entered inside. There were many constables. I stopped at one of the table.

"Yes how can I help you?" He asked.

"Actually I want to know about someone from the same police station. There was a person named Abhimanyu th... I don't remember his surname but he was the one to caught Manik Malhotra the don-"

"Are you looking for me miss?" I turned around as I heard the voice. It was him only.

"Yes actually Sir I was looking for you" I said.

"Well come inside" He said taking me to a room. "Have a seat" I sat down and he sat on his seat. "So miss how can I help you?" He asked.

"Maybe you don't remember me because I was hiding my face that day but I'm the one who gave you evidence against Manik Malhotra" I said.

"Oh Preeti right?"


"So how can I help you miss?"

"I want to meet Manik"


"Yes Can I meet him?"

"But why do you want to meet him? Don't you remember he knows it was you who filed a complain against him?"

"Yes I know but as far as he is inside the prison he cannot harm me so-"

"I don't understand you why do you want to meet him? I mean he did so many things to you still you wanna meet him?"

"Yes There are some questions I need answers of"

"Well in that case you can meet him but do remember the meeting time is only 5 minutes for him because his friends are always there and do not leave him so-"

"But I need more time at least 15 minutes"

"I can't do that Preeti because he isn't in this Jail he has been shifted to the other one and I don't know if I can convince them"

"Look I helped you a lot in Manik's case please do this for me as it's really important for me or else I would never meet him" I said.

"Okay I will try and let you know just give me your number and I will call you" I nodded.

I gave him my number and got up. He shaked hand with me. "I hope this time you aren't here to free him" He said In a fun tone but I stayed quite.

I came back to the hotel. I can't meet him today as today is Sunday so for Manik the rule has been charged that he cannot meet anyone on sunday. Maybe his friends are up to something or maybe they are making some plans to get him out somehow, who knows?

Taking out my phone I opened it to see so many missed calls from mom. I got tensed. I called her back.

"Hello mama what happened?"

"Where have you been I called you so many times why didn't you picked up?"

"Phone was inside the bag I didn't realized but is everything fine?"

"Yes everything is fine I was worried for you. You are fine right?" She asked and I smiled.

"Yes mom everything is fine don't worry. He is in jail I just confirmed so yeah no one is here to harm me now calm down" I said.

"Good but I'm still angry on you okay"

"Ok ok I got it but now I'm hanging up as I'm really tired." I said.

"Okay take care"

"Okay mama" Cutting the call I put my phone on charging and changed my clothes.

As I lay down to sleep my life again starts revolving around my eyes. The way Manik kidnapped us. Unknowingly he actually saved me or maybe he knew what was Aaryaman's plan that's why he chose that time to kidnap him or else he could have done that later.

Tomorrow I will face him again. After one month, How will he react seeing me? Angry? Of course what else? But how will I react seeing him? Why am I excited to see him? Or it's just I'm over thinking? Whatever Nandini Sleep so that this night ends.


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