Chapter 4

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Tate blinked and sighed. Having a human living among them wasn't ideal, but at the same time, he couldn't exactly just turn the man out with nowhere to go, no name, no ID or anything else. The man would be completely alone in the world. Tate sort of felt responsible for him. But, they were harboring a big secret, and he had no idea if this man really couldn't remember anything or if he was a spy or anything else. He could toss him in a cell, he realized. At least until he was certain the man was no threat to his pack. Though the human might get pissy with Tate for locking him up after he'd been held captive for however long. Not that Tate really cared about that. He had a pack to protect, and they were much more important than a solitaire human.

He'd go talk to the human and see what he could find out. But after he was clean and saw his mate. It would give Santos time to run his blood tests. Tate sighed softly. "Let me know as soon as you know anything."

Santos nodded, then bowed his head. "Alpha."

Tate left the office and headed out of the hospital. He was looking forward to seeing his mate and taking a shower. Maybe at the same time. He wanted to talk to her about the situation. Jessica always listened to him and gave him her opinion on whatever matter he came to her with. She saw things differently than what he did and sometimes saw things he didn't. His Beta and Gamma were both male and sometimes having a woman's perspective was quite valuable.

Tate walked inside the pack house and headed up to his suite of rooms they'd been occupying for the last three years. He opened the door, and her scent greeted him immediately, welcoming him home and making him smile. He loved her scent. She was here somewhere, and he walked down the hall to find her. Jess?

In the bedroom.

He opened the door to their room and found her inside looking out the window. She turned to him, and he crossed the room to her. She started to hug him, but he stopped her. "I really need a shower."

"Like I care." She threw her arms around him anyway and lifted her face up towards him and the kisses he rained down on her. She kissed him back like she was starved for him. "I missed you so much. Let me join you in the shower."

He smiled down at her. "I'd like that. I need to talk to you anyway." They'd been mated for five years now, and Tate just couldn't get enough of her. He adored her and she had been one of the foremost thoughts on his mind while he'd been gone. He hated being away from her for any length of time. 

"About John?" she asked. 

"Who?" He frowned at her. Who was John? Ironically, he wasn't sure there was anyone in his pack named John. 

"The human that was brought back from the lab." She smiled up at him.

He shook his head. "How am I not even surprised that you know about that? Did you name him?"

She laughed. "Who do you think has been checking in with all of the victims? I'm the Luna of this pack, Tate. It's my job. And no, I didn't name him. Santos did."

He kissed her again. "And you do your job as Luna so beautifully. Come on." He took her hand and led her into the bathroom, then flipped on the water, and pulled off his clothes, along with hers. Then he picked her up and carried her into the shower.

"Let me bathe you, my love," she said softly, grabbing a loofah and some body wash. Jess took her time bathing him, and Tate didn't say a word, watching her instead.

Jess was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on and he knew he was going to be inside her shortly. He was rapidly growing aroused. They'd been apart much too long. She wrapped her hand around his cock and he groaned, enjoying the tingles from her touch.

"What do you want, Tate?" she purred.

He smiled. "Always you. I need to be inside you, Jess. Where I belong." He flipped the water off, and they got out, dried off and then headed back out to their room. A few moments later, he was where he wanted to be, rhythmically thrusting into her willing body. He dropped his lips to hers, kissing her with all the longing he felt for her, as their orgasms swept over the both of them. Then he collapsed on the bed next to her and pulled her into his arms. Everything was right with the world again.

"So did Dr. Santos inform you of everything with John?" Jess asked him, snuggling against him.

"Is that what you're calling him? Or is that his name?" Tate asked her.

"I don't know his name. I haven't even seen him awake yet. But John Doe is what Dr. Santos has referred to him as," she explained.

Tate nodded. As long as he didn't know his own name, they needed to call him something besides The Human. "He's awake now, though he still has no memories of who he is or so he says.*

"Is he? Doc didn't think he'd wake up for several days," Jess mused.

"Doc thinks he has some werewolf tendencies," Tate told her.

Jess bit her lip. "He doesn't smell like a werewolf."

"I know. He's definitely a mystery and I'm not sure what to do with him," Tate said quietly.

"Just throwing him out would be cruel, Tate. Especially if he has no memory. Where would he go? He has no memory of his family or where he's from or anything," she said softly. "He'd be completely lost."

Tate sighed. "I'm aware, but the pack has to be my first priority. Our first priority. The pack always has to come first and be protected."

She sighed softly. "So you're going to kick him out."

"I haven't decided what I'm going to do with him yet."

"You're the Alpha," Jess said quietly.

"I am and I'm the one who had to live with the decisions I make. Or die," he muttered.

"You're a good Alpha, Tate. Just like your father before you. The pack respects you and trusts you to make the right decisions for them. You always do," she said.

"And you are the most supportive mate a werewolf could want. Which makes you an amazing Luna, my love," Tate told her with a smile, as he cupped her small face with his large hand and kissed her soundly. "Sometimes I don't want to make these decisions, and I honestly appreciate your council. I'm going to speak to him first before I make a decision."

"I think that's wise," she responded.

"Also, Santos is doing some more bloodwork on him. He wants to see if this man, John as I suppose we're calling him, has the werewolf gene. He also wants to check his blood count. So I have a bit of time before he'll get the results back from that," Tate told her.

"Do you think he might be a rogue?"

Tate shrugged. "It's quite possible, especially if no one is looking for him. Maybe that's how that asshole from the lab got his hands on him. Though I'm wondering why. If he really isn't a werewolf, why take him. There's just a lot of unanswered questions."

"And he's dead now, isn't he?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, which means all the answers died with him. And then we burned the place to the ground," he said with annoyance. Maybe he should have brought him back and imprisoned him, but at the same time, he was walking a fine line because the man was human. There was only so much he could do, and he did realize he might be in trouble with the Royal Pack for killing a human. He'd made sure to kill him himself so that the blame would be placed solely on him. He didn't want any of his pack members to be in trouble for it.

But he also didn't really expect to get in trouble for it himself. He had a feeling the Royal Pack would be happy that he'd dispatched the man's life. He'd call them later and let them know, but for now, he was going to enjoy his mate again. 

The Lost Alpha Prince (Book 15 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now